Fresh Start

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Foxies P.O.V.

Sitting in a car for 3 hours is boring. My aunt and I are on our way to our new town that we're moving to. My aunt say that we'll be at our new home in 2 hours, depending on the traffic.

I sigh and pull out my phone with ear buds attached to it and listen to music. The first song that comes on is 'I Will Not Bow' by Breaking Benjamin. I close my eyes, lean back in my seat and continue listening to music the rest of the way. 

                 ~2 hours later~

We finally get off the freeway and we go to the closest gas station. "We just have to fill up the car. You can go inside and grab something and then we can be at the house." My aunt says as she gets up and pays to put gas in the car.

As she does that, I get out and go inside the building and get myself a Monster energy drink. As I stand in line, I see a white fox with pink highlighs in her hair in front of me. Let me tell you, she is pretty. Soon, she goes up to the counter and pays for her stuff. Once shes done, she turns around and we both look at each other. I look into her eyes as she does the same to me. She smiles at me then leaves.

Then I go up to the counter and pay for my Monster. Once payed, I go back outside, and I start looking around for that white fox. I don't see her anywhere. I hope she goes to my new school. I get to the car and my aunt is done putting gas in the car and we get in the car, then start making our way to our new home.

A couple minutes pass and we make it to the new house. I get out of the car and take a look at the house. It's small but enough for the both of us.

"Come on, lets go take a look inside before the moving truck gets here." My aunt says as she pulls out the key to the house. I nod and follow behind her. She unlocks the door and we both walk in. This house feels right, it feels like home. My aunt and I seperate and start exploring the house. I go down a hallway and I find my room. I walk out and take a look around the rest of the house.

Soon, I hear a honk outside. I go to the door and see who it is and its the moving truck. I get my aunt and we both help the movers move everything into the house.

                               ~2 hours later~

We finally finshed moving everything inside. Tomorrow we're gonna start unpacking. My aunt has gone out to get pizza for dinner and I'm in my room, sitting on my bed, thinking about the white fox that I saw at the gas station. I can't get her out of my mind.

I fall backwards on my bed and stare at the ceiling. I then look over at my window, stand up and look outside.

As I look, I see a white fox with pink highlights on her tail. It's the same fox that I saw at the gas station. I sigh and watch her walk away. As she walks, she goes up to a house a walks inside it. I'm guessing she lives in it.

I get out of my thought of the fox living close to me, I hear my aunt returning back home with pizza. I sigh and head down stairs to meet up with her. I think this is gonna be a good fresh start for me.

Thanks everyone for reading this chapter. Hope you enjoyed it. Don't forget to vote and comment.


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