First Date

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Foxies P.O.V.

My ears purk up as I hear Mangle say yes of going out with me. I smile and Mangle hugs me. I hug hug her back, being careful of her arm.

"Lets get going 'cause I know the perfect place." I whisper to Mangle in her ear as we still hug. She lifts up her head, looks at me and smiles. "Okay." She says and gives me a quick kiss but I hold her face with my hands and deepen the kiss. Mangle then wraps her arms around my neck and we break our kiss for air.

We look at each other's eyes for a moment and we giggle. I take her hand in mine and lead her out of the bathroom, to the front door.

Mangle looks over at her little sister, Blaise, says bye and that she'll be home later. Then we both walk out of the house and walk over to my Mustang. I open the passenger door for Mangle and she sits down. I walk around the car to the drivers side, open the door and sit down.

I pull out the keys and start the engine.

"So where are we going?" Mangle asks as she looks over at me. I look over at her and she has a smile on her face, begging me to her where we're going.

"It's a surprise." I tell her. I pull out of the drive way and head to the most beautiful place that Mangle will see. I've packed a picnic for us and I hope she wont be mad of we're gonna do later on our date.

As I drive, I turn on the radio and 'Red' comes on. Mangle looks down at the radio and smiles. Then she starts to sing along with the song. I smile to myself.

Minutes pass and we finally arrive. I turn off the engine and look over at Mangle.

"We're here but I have to do something so it can be a surprise. Okay?" Mangle nods. I pull out a blindfold and tie it around Mangle's eyes.

"I'm gonna carry you to where we're going so you don't trip and fall. Okay?" I tell and Mangle nods again. "I trust you." I smile as Mangle says those words. I kiss her real quick and I get out of the car.

I quickly go to the trunck, grab the picnic, and go to the passenger door and get Mangle. She's out of the car and I hold her bridal style. She wraps her arms around my neck and holds on. Then I start walking into the forest.

As I walk, I think about the wrap on Mangle's arm. Hopefully we can take it off so it wont get ruined. Thank god her arm is getting better this quick.

I stop walking and set down Mangle. "We're here Mangle. What I want you to do is take of the blindfold and look around you and tell me what you see. Okay?" I tell her I quickly set the picnic up.

"Okay." Mangle says. I finish the picnic and I stand behind Mangle.

"Okay, take off the blindfold." I put my hands on Mangle's shoulders and she gasps. She looks at the picnic, the waterfall, the tree, the flowers, then at me.

 She looks at the picnic, the waterfall, the tree, the flowers, then at me

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Mangle launches herself on me and kisses me. I fall on the ground but luckily, I catch us both and I kiss Mangle back.

We break the kiss for air and we look at each other.

"Do you like it?" I ask her.

"Like it? I love it! Thank you Foxy." She says as she brushes her hand on my cheek. I smile and say, "Anything for you, Mang." Mangle smiles for the nickname I gave her.

"Wanna go for a swim?" I ask her as we sit up and Mangle is sitting on my lap.

"Sure." Mangle and I stand up as we strip, I can't take my eyes off of her. Mangle just lools so beautiful. Once I'm only in my boxers, I walk over to Mangle and wrap my arms around Mangle's waist. She looks up at me and smiles.

"Wanna take off your wrap?" I ask her. Mangle looks down at her arm and says, "Yea." I take grab hold on her shouldera and turn her toward me and I start taking off the wrap. Once its unwrapped, I pick up Mangle with her legs wrapped around my waist.

She smiles down at me and I start walking to the water. It cold for a minute but its warm the next the deeper we go. As the water is at my waist, I pull Mangle in for a kiss. She kisses me back passionately and I bit the bottom of Mangle's lip, asking for permission and she grants it. I thrust my tounge in her mouth and we have a small tounge war but I win.

We break our kiss for air and my hands run down her body, exploring Mangle's perfect curves. Mangle moans a bit as I get to serten areas and I love to hear that sound. She looks at me, eye to eye, and says, "I love you Foxy."

"I love you too Mangle."

Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Im shocked my myself that I made another chapter this soon. But I will make another chapter on Sunday, my b-day. Don't forget to vote and comment.


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