Mangle's Surprise

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Foxy's P.O.V.

~In Foxy’s Dream~

    I lay on the ground with blood pouring out of me from all the fighting and someone stabbing me in my side. I look up and see Mangle chained to the wall with her clothes all dirty and see blood stains. Her face was all bruised up, her hair knotted and covering half of her face. I don’t see her breathing or moving. 
God, don’t tell me she's dead. I manage to couch out her name until I pass out.

~Real life~

I wake up panting and sitting up on my bed. I look down at my hands, and realize it was only a dream. I get breathing under control, swing my legs off the bed and look down at the ground. I then look up at the door where the girls are sleeping and I have this urge to go in and check on Mangle.
    I pull myself together, stand up, and walk to the door. I crack the door open and see Mangle peacefully sleeping. I open the door more, making sure I don’t wake the girls.
    I kneel in front of Mangle’s bed, where my face is inches from hers. I kiss her forehead and see her smile. I smile down at her as I stand up and walk out of the room, and quietly close the door. Turning around, I see the guys sleep. I walk over to my bed, grab a light jacket and make my way to the kitchen. 
    I start a pot of coffee and as it brews, I look out the window, looking at the lake. Then the dream is all I start thinking about. It felt so real but I’ll make sure nothing like that will ever happen to her. 
    I set the dream to the side and start thinking about what’s gonna happen today. A small dinner and something special. 
    Out of nowhere, the coffee pot goes off, letting me know it's done brewing. I grab a cup above the coffee machine and pour coffee into the cup. I walk over to the fridge, grab the creamer and pour some in the coffee. After stirring the coffee and creamer together, I walk up to the deck of the yacht and look at the lake as I drink my coffee. 
    Minutes pass by as I keep looking at the lake and when I look down, I see arms wrapped around my waist. I didn’t even feel them.
    I turn my head and see Mangle. 
    “Morning.” I say to her as she lifts up her head and looks at me. 
    “Morning. Why were you out here?” She asks as I turn in her arms, so now I’m looking at her.
    “Just needed some fresh air.” I tell her as I smile down at her. 
“Okay.” when she says that, she lays her head on my chest. I smile down at her and kiss the top of her head. 

~Hours later, 5 o’clock at night~

An hour ago, I asked Mangle to get ready for her surprise and she hasn’t come out of her room since I asked her. All I know so far is that Toy Chica is helping her. 
I get up from my bed and start making my way to the deck of the yacht but stop when a door opens. I turn and see Mangle step out of the room. I look at her up and down, loving the way she looks. 
She’s wearing a red dress that fades into white at the bottom. She has black sandals on and her hair is braided with a few small strands on the side of her face and light make up. 
Damn, she looks beautiful. I think to myself. 
Mangle looks up at me with a smile and I smile back at her. She starts walking to me as I hold out my hand to her and grateful takes it. I lead us outside to the dock, walk off the yacht and start walking to the trees.
It takes a few a minutes to get into the trees, but now that we're further in, no one can see us.
"Where are we going?" Mangle asks as we keep walking.
"It's a surprise and we're almost there." I stop us and look at mangle. "Close your eyes" When she closes her eyes, I pick her, bridal style, just so she doesn't fall while walking. 
About 3 more minutes, we finally arrive. I set Mangle down on her feet, stand behind her and lean in her ear and whisper, "open your eyes" 

Mangle's P.O.V.

When Foxy tells me to open my eyes, I immediately do so and I gasp at what I see. 

Everything looked so beautiful

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Everything looked so beautiful. The table all set up, the candles, and all the trees around us being bright with small lights on them.
All of a sudden, I hear soft piano music playing. I look over and see a small radio. 
I turn to Foxy with a big smile on my face and say, "Thank you."
He takes a few steps closer to me, where there's only an inch left between us and he raises his right hand to my cheek and strokes it with the back of his hand. "Anything for you, Mangle."
I close my eyes and lean my face into his hand. Then, I feel Foxy's lips on mine. I kiss him back while wrapping my arms around his neck.

Hey everyone. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know, bad on my part for not updating. Things have been crazy for me. But, I hope u guys r safe at home.

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