Spring Break

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Foxies P.O.V.

Finally, spring break is here. Time to hang out with all of my friends. Bonnie, Freddy, T-Freddy, and I have been talking to go to the lake with the girls. T-Freddy says his parents have a yacht and already talked to his parents about borrowing this week. 

The only thing we need to do is talk to the girls and see what they think. 

We all stand up and start walking to our girlfriends houses.

As I walk to Mangel’s house, I begin to think of what fun we’re gonna have. Maybe even camp. That’s not a bad idea actually. I'll text the boys later tonight and see what they think.

I finally make it to Mangel’s house. I stand in front of the door and ring the doorbell. It takes a few seconds for the door to open and standing in the doorway is Mangel’s mom.

“Hello Foxy.” She says with a smile. I smile back and say, “Hi, I was wondering if Mangle is home.”

“Yea, she’s in her room. You can go up there if you want.” She opens the door wider and I say, “Thank you.” Then I start walking to Mangel’s room. 

When I stand in front of her room, I hear some music playing. I knock on the door and the door opens. Mangle stands in the doorway, looking up at me with a smile on her face. I smile back at her and she says, “Hey Foxy, Come on in.” She opens the door wider for me to walk in and I walk in. 

Mangle closes the door, walks over to her phone and pauses her music then turns to look at me. 

“So what’s up?” She asks. 

“The boys and I have been talking about what to do for spring break and we came up with an idea and we wanted to ask you girls of what you think.” I stop talking to give mangle a minute to think. 

“Okay, what’s the idea?” She asks.

“We go to the lake with Freddy, Chica, Bonnie, Chi, T-Freddy, and T-Bonnie. T-Freddy is gonna talk to his parents about borrowing his yacht for the week. What do you think?” I ask her as I walked over to her and stand in front of her. She smiles at me and says, “I like it. Just have to ask my parents real quick.” Mangle kisses me on check real fast then jogs out of her room to find her parents. 

Love it when she gets that happy. She makes me happy.

Soon enough, Mangle returns with the same smile on her face. 

“My parents said yes.” Mangle says as she walks over to me. I hold out my hands to her and she takes hold of them. Once hand in hand, I pull her to me, so she’s against my chest, looking up at me. I take one of my hands and cup her face, excited and happy to take this trip with her. 

Mangle closes her eyes and rests her head on my chest. I wrap my arms around her, lift her up and carry her to her bed. She gasps and wraps her arms around my neck as I sit down and have her sit on my lap. 

I smile at her and she smiles back as I run my hands up and down her back, then kiss her. She kisses me back and I hold her closer to me. We break our kiss for air and she asks me a question, "So when do we leave?" 

"Tomorrow." Her eyes open wide, jumps off my lap and dashes to her closet. 

"Mangle, you okay?" I ask as she starts throwing clothes at me from the closet.

"Yea, I'm fine. Need to get packed." She says as she walks out of the closet and more clothes. She sets them on the bed next to me where I set the clothes down that she threw at me. Then she goes back to her closet and pulls out a suitcase. I stand up and say, "I'll let you pack, I also need to go pack, but I'll pick u up tomorrow, okay?" She looks at me and nods.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow." She says as she starts folding clothes into her suitcase. I kiss the top of her head and walk out of her room.

As I walk downstairs, my phone starts ringing. I pull out my phone and see that T-Freddy is calling me. I answer it and say, "Hey man, what's up?"

"I got the okay for borrowing the yacht this week and I call Freddy and Bonnie and they said that their girls are coming with us." I smile ear to ear when T-Freddy says that and I stand in front of my car and say, "That's great. Mangle also said that she's coming too." I tell him as I open the car door and sit in the drivers side. "Awesome, I'll talk to you tomorrow man, bye." "Bye." I say and hang up. 

I pull out my keys, start the car and make my way home.

Hey guys, im so sorry it took me a long time to publish another chapter. I'll been super busy with school and family. Hopefully the next chapter wont take as long.
Thx for reading and understanding

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