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Roxy's P.O.V.

I start to pull into Mangel's driveway at 6:30. And right as I pull in, Mangle walks out of the house, being cute as always. She walks over to the passenger side of the car and she slides into her seat. I grab her hand, bring it to my lips and kiss it. She smiles at me and I ask, “You ready baby?” “Ready as I’ll ever be.” she responds. 

I put the car in reverse, pull out of the driveway and make our way to the bowling alley. The drive is silent besides the music playing through the radio. Headspace by Fame on Fire plays and Mangle sings along with it. That is one thing that I'm happy about. We both like the same music. 

As I begin the pull into the parking lot to the bowling alley, we see everybody else standing next to the door, waiting. I park the car, then Mangel and I make our way to them. 

“Hey guys, hope we didn’t keep you waiting for long.” I say standing in front of them. 

“No, not at all. We barely got here.” Freddy responds looking at everybody. 

Chi jumps down from the railing and hooks her arm around Mangles arm. “Alright, let's have some fun!” Chi says cheerfully as she pulls Mangle inside, leaving us behind them. We only giggle as we follow them. Bonnie steps in front of Chi and opens the door, like the gentleman he is. He keeps it open for all of us and I’m the last one to enter. Bonnie stands next to me as we wait in line. 

The line starts to get short as everyone gets their shoes. Bonnie and I are the last ones and Bonnie pays for everyone. I don’t even want to know how much it was with how many people were in our group. 

Lucky for us, we get the last two lanes at the end. When we get there, everyone sits down, changes their shoes and just talks with each other. 

Bon Bon stands up in front of all of us and asks us a question. “I have a question on how we can play. Why don’t we do girls vs. boys. The boys may have an extra player but I believe us girls will kick your ass!” 

The girls stand next to each other, in a line, looking at all of the boys. I look at the others and they nod.

“Game on!” We respond. Bonnie steps up to the computer and puts our names in. Chi does the same thing for the girls. Once our names are on the board, we go looking for our balls. Of course, Freddy and his cousin, goldie brought their own. They grew up bowling with their family and they handed down their bowling balls. 

When we picked out our balls, we all got ready to bowl. Freddy is the first one to go for our team and Chica is the first for her team. They both roll at the same time. Freddy hits a strike and Chica hits 8 pins. Freddy gets excited and he watches Chica bowl again. 

I don’t pay attention as I walk over to Mangle and wrap my arms behind her. She giggles and it makes me smile. I love her giggles. When I look up, Bonnie has rolled but missed two pins, and it’s the worst one. The back two on both ends.

“Bonnie, you’re screwed.” I saw as I straightened up. He sighs as he crosses his arms. “No kidding. I hate it when this happens.”

“Everybody does.” Mangle says. 

The game continues and the more we play, the more intense it gets. The guys started placing bets. Personally, it’s dumb and I’m not joining. Slowly the girls have joined in, but not Mangle. Soon the game ends. The girls beat us by 2 points. They get all excited and won’t stop talking amongst each other. 

I offered everyone that we’d go to an old diner down the road. Everyone loved the idea. We all loaded into the cars and made our way there. It doesn't take long for us to arrive. I head inside to get a table ready for us. Knowing how many of us are here, it’s gonna be a little bit. Everyone waits outside. Luckily they have a big enough table for all of us. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2023 ⏰

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