Back to School

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Mangle's P.O.V.

Foxy picked me up from my house and is now driving to school. Music was playing on the radio but I was busy looking at the trees go by as foxy drove.

"You okay Mangle?" Foxy asks, breaking the silence. I turn my head to him and say, "Yea, why?"

"Your quiet this morning. You're usually not like this." He quickly looks at me then back at the road. "Sorry. I wasn't ready for spring break to be over. I wanted it to last longer." I say as I sit up on my seat.

"I know babe. I didn't want it to be over also but at least we had a good time." He grabs my hand, pulls it to his mouth and kisses it. I smile and say, "Yea, a really good time." As I look out the window again, memories of the lake, the surprise, and being with Foxy flood my mind.

Minutes pass by and Foxy parks in the student parking lot. He turns off the car, gets out of the car and starts walking to my door. He opens it for me. I step out of the car as I put my backpack on my back. Foxy closes the door, opens the back passenger door, grabs his backpack, closes the door, locks the car with his keys and we start walking to the school entrance, hand in hand.

As we walk to the entrance, we see all of our friends talking.

"Foxy! Mangle!" Chi calls out to us while waving with a big smile on her face. I wave back at her then everyone else looks at us.

"Hey guys." Foxy says as we finally reach them.

"Hey Foxy, the couch talked to me just a bit ago letting us know that there is practice today after school." Bonnie says.

"Okay, I'll text my aunt and let her know later." Foxy says

For the next couple minutes, all of us have been talking about random stuff until the bell rang. When the bell rang, we all started to go to class.

~Lunch time~

Foxy's P.O.V.

When the bell rang for lunch, I started making my way to Mangle's class. I waited outside the door for her. When she saw me, she walked over to me and said, "Hey"

I replied back, "Hey." I lifted up her chin and kissed her. She kissed me back. We broke our kiss and I took hold of her hand and we started walking to the cafeteria. As we waited in line to get our lunch, Mangle grabbed hold of my arm while looking behind us. I look down at her and ask, "You okay, babe?" she doesn't respond. All I do is look where she's looking and see Springtrap. We see him starting to get in a fight. I tab mangle on the shoulder and she looks at me. "Don't worry about it. He won't hurt you." I tell her, hoping to calm her nerves. She takes a deep breath and nods.

We face forward again and grab our lunch. We started making our way outside the cafeteria until Spring trap called my name. "Hey Foxy." I try to ignore him, continuing to walk with Mangle.

"Hey, I'm talking to you!" He calls out again but I ignore him.

"I said I'm talking to you!!" Spring trap runs up to me and pushes me to the ground and mangle quickly moves away from him. As I fall to the ground, my food goes everywhere and I look at him.

He just gives me a death glare. I start to stand up, but as I do that, Springtrap swings a punch at me. I quickly dodge it and immediately punch him. I punch him on this jaw, so hard that he falls backward and falls to the floor.

I stand in front of him and say, "I don't know why you have a problem with me, but I did nothing wrong. So you better me, and Mangle alone." Once I said that, I turned back around to Mangle and we walked out of the cafeteria.

Mangle looks up at me and asks, "You okay?" I replied back, "Yea, he didn't hurt me but there was no way I was letting him get a hand on you." Mangle softly smiles.

We continue walking until we get to a tree. I sat down in front of it as Mangle sat between my legs. I wrap both of my arms around her as I rest my chin on Mangle's shoulder.

"I love you Foxy." Mangle says, breaking the silence.

"I love you too."


Hey guys. I know its been a long time since i published. But hay, at least I published another chapter. He-he. hope you guys enjoyed it.

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