Staying at Foxies part 2

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Mangle's P.O.V.

After my small nap, I wake up in the afternoon and once again, Foxy insint in bed. I get out of bed and start looking for Foxy. I soon find him in the kitchen.

“Hey, what you doing?” I ask as I stand next to him and see what’s he doing. I see him making food and oh my gosh, it looks so good.

“Making lunch.” Foxy says, looking at me with a smile on his face. I smile back at him and sit down at the island. Foxy finishes making lunch and sets my plate in front of me.

I begin to eat and Foxy sits next to me and also eats.

We finish eating and Foxy begins to clean up lunch. Foxy looks over at me and says, “Hey Mangle, can you go get dressed? I wanna take you somewhere.” I look up at him with a small smile on my face, curious where he's gonna take me.

“Sure.” I respond and start making my way to his bedroom and get dressed. I pull a white, long sleeved shirt with jeans. I put them, puts my socks on and puts my boots on since it's since freaking cold outside. I grab one of my thick jackets, make my way back out to the living room and see Foxy all ready to go.

“You ready, baby?” I smile at him as he says baby to me. I am falling for Foxy day after day.

“Yes.” I finally respond. Foxy holds his hand out and I take it. We intwin our fingers and go into the freezing cold. Once we step outside, we see light snow. Snow on the ground, snow on the car, snow falling in the air, snow everywhere. I smile at the sight and Foxy pulls me towards the car. He unlocks the car, opens the passenger door for me. I smile at him and quickly kiss him on the cheek as I climb into the car. Foxy closes the door and makes his way to the drivers side.

Foxy sits in his seat and turns on the engine. Once the car roars to life, he turns on the heater. He looks over at me and gives me a smile. I smile back at him as I start to warm up and Foxy pulls out  of the driveway, onto the road.

Foxies P.O.V.

I drive onto the main road for some time, taking Mangle to a log cabin in a forest to be alone for some time. She has no idea what’s she’s gonna expect. I already packed our clothes while she was sleeping. Can't wait to see her face when she sees the cabin.

We drive for another half hour and we get off the freeway, onto a dirt road. I see Mangle look over at me with a curious look.

“Where are we Foxy?” She asks while looking out the window. I smile and say, “Not gonna say. It's a surprise.” Mangle sits back in her seat while watching the trees pass by and the snow fall.

We drive for a couple minutes and the cabin finally comes into view. Mangle sits up in her seat, looking at the cabin and I see her face light up with a big smile. I park the car in front of the cabin, turn off the car and look over at Mangle.

“What do you think?” I ask breaking the silence. Mangle looks over at me then back at the cabin.

“I think it’s amazing.” She says in a joyful tone. I step out of the car and make my way to Mangle’s side and open the door for her. Mangle steps outside and faces the cabin. As she looks at the cabin, I close her door and pick her up bridal style. She laughs and start making our way inside the cabin. With Mangle’s help, she opens the front door of the cabin and we walk into the living room.

Mangle scans the room and I set her down on her feet.

“I’ll let you look around as I get our bags.” I say to Mangle as I kiss the top of her head and make my way back to the car, to the trunk. I pop open the trunk and grab our bags. I set them down on the ground and quickly close the trunk. I pick the bags up again and head inside the cabin.

Once I close the door, I start looking for Mangle. She’s not in the living room, nor the kitchen. I start making my way down the small hallway and turn to the right, to the bedroom and see Mangle standing next to the bed. Mangle looks over at me and I set our bags down at the foot of the bed. I walk over to Mangle and hug from behind while nuzzling into her neck. Mangle puts her hands on mine as I hold her close, not wanting to let go. Mangle turns her head to me and I kiss her. She kisses me back as I turn her around, facing me, without breaking the kiss. Mangle then wraps her arms around my neck. I pull her closer to me as we break our kiss. We look at each other and smile.  

Hey guys. Sorry took me a while to make another chapter. Been really busy with school and family. And sorry i didn't make a x-mas special like i said i would.

But hope u guys enjoyed the chpater. Don't foeget to vote, comment, and share.


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