Recovering and Thinking Of Foxies Kiss

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Mangle's P.O.V.

When Foxy drives off, I go to my room. My parents should be coming home soon with my little sister. 

When I enter my room, I lay down on my bed, being careful of my arm. When my parents come home, we can go to the ER and take a look at my arm.

As I wait, I think of Foxy kissing my cheek. That was the first time he did that to me and I didn't know he had feelings for me.

I mean, yea, he helped me with Springtrap but he was just being friendly. And we hardly just met.

I cover my my face with my none broken arm and sigh.

Soon, I hear a car door close. I get out of my bed, being careful of my arm, and look out my window and see my parents home with my little sister, Blaise.

I make my way down stairs and I hear Blaise calling for me.

"Mangle! Mangle, we're home!" I make it to the landing of the stairs and Blaise sees me.

"MANGLE!" She shriks as she runs to me.

"Blaise, stop! Please, I can't hug you today. My arm is broken." I say as  Blaise comes to a stop.

(Picture of Blaise, 11 years old)Once I said broken arm, my mom looked over at me and started making her way to me

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(Picture of Blaise, 11 years old)
Once I said broken arm, my mom looked over at me and started making her way to me.

"What do you mean broken arm? What happened?" She asks while my dad is walking behind her and my mom is looking at my arm.

"An accident happened at practice. I feel and landed on my arm." I tell my mom and she start pushing me to the front door.

"I'm taking you to the ER so we can take a look at your arm. Okay?" My says as she grabs her car keys.

"Okay." I say.

We go to the car, I sit in the passenger seat and my mom sits in the drivers seat. We both put on our seat belts and my mom starts up the car.

We start driving down the road to the ER and as we drive, I just think of Foxy kissing me. I just can't stop thinking about it. Then, I start to think if we actually get together and made out.

I shake my head and as I do that, we arrive at the ER. We get out of the car and go in. I sit down as my mom goes sign some papers.

As I wait, I feel my phone vibrate. I pull it out and see its a text from Chi.

Chi: how's ur arm? 😢

Me: still hurts. My mom and I just got to the ER. Thank god it's not packed

Chi: hope u go in fast. Btw, I'm the new captain for cheer. Funtime Chica got suspended for what she did

Me: congrats Chi. Wish I could hug u right now.

Chi: me too

I put my phone back in my pocket and my mom sits next to me and we wait.

15 minutes pass by and my name is finally called.

"Mangle White." A nurse calls.

My mom and I stand up and we make our way over to her. When we enter the room, the nurse gives me a check up and leads me over to a chair and the doctor will be with us soon.

I hold my arm against my chest as small shots of pain go through.

Soon, the doctor comes. "Hi, I'm Doc. Isaiah." He says. "What seems to be the issue today?"

"My arm. I believe I broke it during cheer practice." I tell him.

"Okay. On a scale of one to ten, hows the pain?" He ask.

"Umm, 7." I tell him as I hiss as another shot of pain goes through my arm.

"Okay, how far is the pain?" He ask as he writes on clipboard.

"From my wrist to my elbow." I say as he writes that down.

"Okay. What we're gonna do is take X-rays, to see if there is any fractures. If there if, we're gonna wrap your arm and give you some meds to help with pain." The doc says and I nod. "So we're gonna do the X-rays now. So follow me please." My mom and I both stand up and follow the doctor.

We go into another room that has a big machine.

"Okay Mangle, what I'm gonna have you do is take of any medal. Earrings, necklacks, all that. Okay?" I nod and start to take off my earrings. That was the only one.

"Next, lay down on this bed. You're gonna go through the machine and it's gonna scane your arm. While it's doing that, you can't move. Plus it will be load. Here are some ear plugs." He says as he hands me the ear plugs  and I put them in. "You ready?" He asks.

"Yes." I say. He exits the room and my mom follows him.

I close my eyes and relax as the machine takes me in and scanes me. As I lay here, I just think of Foxy.

As I think of Foxy, he makes me calm and all the pain goes away. I smile to myself, then I hear no noise from the machine. I open my eyes and see that I'm exiting the machine and the doctor enters the room.

I take out my ear plugs, sit up and listen to what the doctor has to say.

"As we were scanning your arm, we did notice a small fracture. We're gonna put a cast on your arm and give you some meds to take so there wont be much pain." The doctor says.

I nod and then he leads me to another room. I sit on the exam table that's in the room. My mom sits next to me and a nurse enters the room with supplies. She sets them down on the counter and starts getting a syringe ready.

"We're gonna numb your arm so you don't feel pain as we cast your arm Miss White." The doctor says as he takes the syringe from the nurse and inserts it close my my shoulder. I relax as the doctor and nurse cast up my arm.

I just close my eyes and lean against the wall while small amounts of pain go through my arm.

To be honest, I wish Foxy was here. As I think of him, the pain slowly goes away.

"All done." The doctor says.

I open my eyes and look down my arm. It's wrapped up and I can hardly feel anything. He then picks up the clipboard and writes on it.

"I'm writing you down what meds you have to take. You have to take them twice a day, one in morning and one before bed. I would like to you to come back in 3 weeks so we can see how your arm is doing. In the mean time, don't do anything with your arm." He says as he passes my mom a paper. I nod. "Good, you guys have a good day." He says and leaves the room.

My mom and I stand up and leave the ER and head to the car. Once I get home, I'm gonna lay down on my bed.

Hey guys, sorry took me some time to make chapter 7. School started and Im im color guard for my school, so im gonna be busy a lot.
But i hope you enjoyef this chapter.

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