Staying at Foxies Pt. 3

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Foxies P.O.V.

Days pass by as Mangle and I stayed in the cabin. The last couple days have been the best days with Mangle. Honestly, Mangle means everything to me. I don’t want her to leave me. After me telling her about my childhood life, she’s willing to help me and be with me, no matter what.

    That’s what I love about her. That’s what I love about all girls. They put people they love and care about first. I love Mangle. The more I think about it, I can see a future with her.

    I stare up at the ceiling as Mangle sleeps on my chest. I rub her back, not wanting to wake her up, but soth her. I gently lay her on the bed as I get up. I pull a shirt on and make my way to the kitchen and start working on breakfast.

    I pull out the stuff for pancakes and bacon to go on the side. I whisk together the batter for the pancakes and pull out two pans, each for the pancakes and bacon.

    As the bacon cook in one of the pans and the second batch of pancakes are cooking, I hear a yawn. I look behind me and see Mangle in one of my shirts and a pair of her shorts.

    She looks so cute in my shirt.

    “Morning.” I say and turn my attention back to the pans, flipping both the bacon and pancakes. Once flipped, I hear Mangle walk towards me and hugs me from behind.

“Morning.” She lays in a soft tone and lays her head on my back as I continue to cook. I smile to myself and finish making the last patch of pancakes and pulls the bacon off the pan, onto a plate with paper towels on it.

Mangle pulls away from me and walks to the fridge. I look over at her from over my shoulder and see her pull out orange juice and strawberries. She walks over to the cupboard and pulls out two glasses and two plates.

I turn around and pull the last pancakes on the plate with other pancakes. I grab both plates and bring them over to mangle where she’s setting out our places to sit and eat. I set both plates down on the table and sit down next to her.

When I sit down, Mangle lays her head on my shoulder. I smile down at her and kiss the top of her head. Mangle looks up at me and smiles. I back at her and start giving her her breakfast.

She looks down at her plate and stars eating. I fix my plate and do the same by eating my breakfast.

When we’re done eating, Mangle and I are gonna start packing up and go back home. It’s been a while since we saw our friends and want to see how their break went, plus school starts again in two days.

I really don’t wanna go to the school and deal with that asshole, Springtrap. Already dealt with him once and don’t want to deal with him again.

I look over at Mangle and see that she has finished her breakfast.

She looks at me and says, “Thank you, Foxy.” She smiles and I smile back at her. She gets up from her seat, grabs her plate and mine and takes them over to the sink and cleans them along with the other dishes. As she cleans the dishes, I clean up the rest of the food.

Mangle drys her hands and looks over at me as I lean against the fridge and looks at her smiling.

“What you smiling for?” She ask and I keep smiling at her.

“No reason. Just happy you’re with me.” Mangle smiles and I see her blush a bit. I softly giggle and walk over to her.

“You ready to go home today?” I ask her as I wrap my arms around her waist and she puts her around my neck.

“Yea, I miss everyone back at school.”

“So do I.” I pull her closer to me till we're face to face.

“Plus, an old friend of mine is moving here and is gonna be at the school tomorrow.” I tell Mangle as she looks at me with a curious look.

“Who?” She asks.

“His name is Shadow. He's been my friend since we were in elementary and we stayed in contact since then and when he told me that he moving down here, I was really happy.” I tell her with a smile on my face and that makes Mangle smile.

“I’m happy you get to see an old friend.” She strokes my cheek as she keeps smiling at me. I lean forward and kiss her forehead.

“Let’s finish getting packed up.” Mangle nods at me and we start walking to our room and start packing. Mangle and I quickly get dressed and finish packing. I load everything into the car while Mangle doubles check we didn't forget anything.

I wait for her outside and finally Mangle comes outside. I smile at her as she makes her way to the passenger side. I open my door to the car and we both get in the car.

I start the engine and the heater turns on, slowly warming up. I pull out of the driveway to the cabin and start heading towards the freeway.

Mangle turns on the radio and the first song that comes on it Believe by Skillet.

It’s been a while since I heard Skillet but they’re a good band.

Mangle and I sing along to the song and when the song ends, we hit the freeway. More of our favorite songs come on and we continue to sing along to them until we get home.

When I start driving on Mangle’s road, Mangle’s phone rings. She answers it and says Chi’s name. I pull into Mangle’s driveway, put the car in park, turn off the engine and look over at Mangle. Mangle looks at me and says, “Chi’s wondering if we could do a double date with her and Bonnie.”

I think about it for a moment and say, “Yea, that’s fine. When do they want to do it?” Mangle asks Chi the question and say, “This Friday? Just so we enough time to this week to say hi to everyone and school.”

“Yea, that’s fine.” I say with a smile. Mangle smiles back. She tells Chi my answer and they end the call.

We get out of the car, into the cold morning air. I go to the back of the car, house, grab Mangle's bags while she goes and unlocks the door to the house. When it's unlocked, we both go inside and Mangle closes it.

When we enter the living room, we no one in here. Guessing everyone's still sleeping. Mangle starts going up the stairs and follow her with her bag. She goes in her room and steps aside for me to enter. I walk over to her bed, set her bag on the bed and look over at her.

Mangle has a smile on her face and I smile back at her.

“I'm get going. Need to see if my aunt needs any of my help for today.” When I say that, I walk towards her and stroke het cheek. “I'll pick you up tomorrow for school, okay?” Mangle nods. I lean down and kiss her and she kisses me back. We end our kiss and she says, “I love you, Foxy.” I smile and say, “I love you too baby.”

I kiss her forehead, walk out of her room, downstairs, and outside to the car. I stand next to my car and have the urge to look up. I look up at Mangle's window and see her looking at me. I smile at her and she smiles back.

I get in the car, pull out of the driveway, and start heading home.

Hey guys, i know it took a long time to make another chapter but I finally got it done. I wanna give a shout out to ShadowMan5858, for leaving great comments and being a fantastic fan for my books. Its my greatest pleasure to put u in my book. Thx again.

Hoping i'll make another chapter soon. Depends on what my schedule looks like cuz of me busy with school and work. See u all in the next chapter.

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