Is everything Okay?

700 19 11

Foxy's P.O.V.

The three days have passed by so quickly. My aunt and I dumped my mom's ashes at my childhood home and it was a little hard doing it, but we got it done.

Right now, we're on our way home and I can't wait to see Mangle. I've missed her so much but I'm also a little worried about her. When I texted her the other day, she didn't seem like herself. So right when I get home, I jump in my car, and drive to her house.

A few hours passed by and we finally made it home. My aunt and I unpack the car and I quickly tell her that I'm gonna go see Mangle. She said that it was fine. So I grabbed my keys for my mustang, and started going to Mangle's house.

Minutes pass and I finally pull up into Mangle's house. I turn off the engine, get out of the car, and walk to the front door. I knock on the door four times and wait for the door to open. I wait for like 15 seconds and Mangle's little sister, Blaze, opens the door. I look down at her and smile.

"Hey Blaze, is Mangle home?" I ask her kneeling in front of her. She raises her arm, pointing up the stairs. "She's in her room." I stand up, pat Blaze's head and say. "Thanks sweetie."

I watch Blaze as she walks back into the living room and continues watching tv. I close the door when I walk in and start making my way to Mangle's room. Once I'm outside her room, I knock on her door three times. I wait for her to answer. Seconds pass and the door opens and I see Mangle.

"Hey Foxy." She says when she sees me.

"Hey babe." I say back as Mangle moves away from the door so I can walk in. I walk in her room and Mangle closes the door. I walk to her bed and sit down. Mangle looks at me with a worried face and asks me, "You okay, baby?"

I look at her and say, "Were you telling me the truth in the text?" I hold up my phone showing the text messages from three days ago. I can tell on her face that she's scared.

"Mangle, please tell me what's going on. What happened when I was gone." Mangle doesn't say anything. She sits next to me on the bed, not looking up at me, but looking down at the ground.

"It's about Spring-trap." she says a bit scared. I sit up straight and look at her.

"What happened?" I ask. Now I'm worried and I'll kill him for what he did to her. Question is, what did he do to her?

"Spring-trap came to me as I was waiting for Chi and Chica to get lunch. He asked where you were so I lied to him, telling him that you were home sick. He had one of his arms around my waist and I hit him in his stomach. He got angry a-and slapped me across the face and pulled my hair so I was forced to look up." Mangle stops as I know she's not very comfortable. I see tears going down her cheeks. She wipes them away and continues. "Then I heard Chi call my name and everyone else was behind her, running to me as they were making their way to me. Spring-trap let go of me and tried to run but Bonnie was already in front of him and punched him in the face. I was scared to tell you, especially when you were spreading your mom's ashes. I didn't want you to worry." That's when Mangle breaks down crying.

I pull her into my arms, trying to comfort her. I hate seeing her cry. I understand that she didn't want to tell me, but I needed to know.

I rub Mangle's back, calming her down. "Forgive me for not telling you Foxy." She says between each sob.

I pulled her face up so she was looking up at me and said, "Of course I forgive you. But please don't scare me and tell me when something like this happens again." Mangle nods and starts to calm down. Then she starts to talk again. "Bonnie took Spring-trap to the office and the principal expelled him because it was his first time doing that to me. He did it to other girls and she got warnings, but he never listened."

"Thank god. That means he doesn't have to bother us anymore." Mangle smiles and nods. I smile back at her and I kiss her forehead. Mangle Lays her head back on my chest and I wrap my arms around her. Then I whisper in her ear. "I'll make sure not to let anyone hurt you again, Mangle." I feel Mangle smile as I say that, but she doesn't say anything back.

Mangle and I stay like this. Me holding her, letting her know that I'll keep her safe and her enjoying that I'm back.


Hey guy's. I know, I know. You've been wanting another chapter. But being a senior in High School is not easy. Especially if I have to do tests and figure out what school I want to go to after high school. Plz be patient with me.

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