After school Incident

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Mangle's P.O.V.

The school day is over and I'm on my way over to cheerleadeing practice.

Before I enter the gym, Lolbit squels and runs towards me.

"OMG! OMG! OMG!" She says while holding my shoulders and jumps up and down. "Calm down, Lolbit. What is it that you're excited about?" I ask and take her paws off my shoulders.

"You haven't heard? Foxy, your boyfriend, joined the football team!" She scream.

I start to blush. "He's not my b-boyfriend, Lolbit." I say embarrassed. Something deep inside me wants to say he is. I don't know why though. "Oh." She says and walks into the gym.

She's a weird one, alright. She's very pretty though.

(Pic of Lolbit)I walk into the gym, take a seat, and wait for Funtime Chica, our captain, to come

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(Pic of Lolbit)
I walk into the gym, take a seat, and wait for Funtime Chica, our captain, to come. She's always late, so this doesn't surprise me.

After about five minutes, she walks in.

"Alright, girls, get up! It practicing time!" Funtime Chica says and we get into pur routine.

We're about to finish perfectly until I fall on my arm. I yelp in pain while Chica runs to my side.

"Uuuurgh! Mangle, you ALWAYS ruin practices!" Funtime Chica yells as she lands her beady eyes on me as I tear up.

                    (Pic of Funtime Chica)

"Look, girls. She's faking her tears. Aww, baby gonna cry?" She mocks me.

"No she's not!" Chi yells. I've never heard her yell like that before. "Can't you see that she's in pain?" Chi continues to say.

I wince in pain. I think I broke it.

Funtime Chica gasps. "Did you just back talk me, ugly?" Funtime Chica asks. I've had it now! She can insult me, but she can't back talk to my friends!

"Shut up, stupid slut!" I yell and my eyes turns red.

"How DARE you, Mangle! That's it. I've had it! Mangle, GET OUT! I've kicked you out of the cheerleadeing squad!" She shrieks.

I feel horrible. I shouldn't have said anything. Now I can't see my friends after school anymore.

"I wont let you do that, FTC." Bon Bon says, moving to FTC's face.

"Oh yea? What are you gonna do about about it? I'm not going to change my mind." She says.

"Fine. Then I quit!"

I can't believe the words the words that came out of Bon Bon's mouth. "Bon Bon, you don't have do tha-" I start to say, then wince at the pain in my arm.

"I quit too!" Chi says, then starts to examine my arm.

"Me too!" Chica and Lolbit say and start to cry. My friends are the best friends ever!

"Me too!" An unfamiliar voice says. It's Bonnet. I don't know her that well but she't STILL sticking up for me.

"Aaarergh!!!" FTC yells. "You CANT quit! I need you girls!"

"If Mangle isn't in the squad, none of us are. Sorry." Chi says.

"F-fine. I can make my OWN squad! ONE with GOOD cheerleaders!" She screams then stomps off.

Everyone hurries towards me. "Oh my gosh, Mangle! Are you okay?" They all ask. I nod and I try to stand up. Chi and Bon Bon help me up.

"We're gonna take you to the nuses office so she can look at your arm, okay?" Chi tells me and I nod.

"In the mean time, I'm gonna call TFreddy and tell him whats going on. Do you want me to tell Foxy Mangle?" Bon Bon asks me as she pulls out her phone.

I look at her then down at the floor to think for a moment.

"Yea, tell Foxy. Have him come to the nurses office. My parents are out of town for work so I'll ask him to see if he'll give me a ride home." I finally say and Bon Bon has her phone to her ear.

We make it to the nurses office and I lay on the bed. The nurse wraps my arm and puts it in a sling. She also gave me a slip to give to my parents to go see the doctor to see if my arm is broken.

Soon, Foxy comes in and sees me laying on the bed with a sling on.

"Hey Foxy." I say to him as I sit up.

"Hey. What happened?" He asks as he sits next to me.

"Long story. I was wondering if you give me a ride home since my parents are out of town." I ask him.

"Yea, let me call my aunt and tell her to pick us up." Foxy smiles at me. I smile back and he stands up, steps out of the nurses office and calls his aunt.

Soon enough, Foxy comes back. "My aunt said yea that we take you home." Foxy says with a smile.

"Thank you Foxy" I thank him and smile back. Foxy helps me grabs my things and goes out to his aunts car.

I sit in the back while Foxy sits in the front. I give my adress and to my surprise, we both live on the same street.

I quietly pull out a piece of paper with a pencil and write my number on it. I fold it up best I can and put it into Foxies backpack, in the front. So he'll be able to see it.

We arrive at my house. Foxy helps me out of the car and grabs my stuff for me. I lead him to the house and open the house.

"You can just leave my stuff right next the door." I tell Foxy. He lays my stuff against each other next the door.

"Okay. Well, I know you wont be at school tomorrow because of that." He points to my arm. "But I hope you don't mind me stopping by tomorrow to check on you?"

"Yea, that fine. Everyone will be asking questions about me anyway." I sigh and look up at Foxy.

"I better get going. See you later Mangle."

"Bye Foxy." I wave at him but all of a sudden, he runs to me, and kisses my cheek, then runs back outside.

I begin to blush, then smile.

I wanna thank blaise303 for helping with this chapter. You were a big help for me! Thanks a lot! And I want to thank all of people reading my stories.
You guys are amazing! Plz don't forget to vote and comment!!


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