Why Me?

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Foxy's P.O.V.

Damn it! I scream in my head as my aunt tells me that my mom was in a car accident. I look at her as she holds her phone in her hands and continues to talk.

"When they put her in the ambulance, she was having trouble breathing and her heart was erratic. They did everything they could on their way to the hospital, but when they arrived, her heart stopped. I'm sorry Foxy." She says as tears fall from her face. I kneel down in front of her and say, "You have nothing to be sorry for. It's not your fault."

She looks at me and says, "How did you grow up so fast to be this, Foxy?" We giggle at each other and then hug one another. Then my aunt starts to talk again.

"The doctors want us to go over to the hospital to tell us more about her death and collect her body." We pull away from each other and I nod.


"You get to decide if you want her buried or cremated." I start to think about that question.

God, do I want her buried or cremated? One thing's for sure, I don't want to be at a funeral. So buraling her is not an option. I'll have her cremated, just dump her ashes where she liked to go the most, or hello my old home.

I look up at my aunt and give her my answer. "Cremated. Please." She nods at me and stands up. I also stand up.

"We better get packing then, 'cause the hospital and half way across the state. We may be gone for two to three days." She says as she walks to her room.

Gess, two to the three days? Mangle is not gonna be happy. So many questions flood my mind. Like, will she be okay without me? Will she get hurt while I'm gonna.

Agh! I run my fingers through my hair as I try to calm down.

After taking a few minutes of calming down, I walk to my room and call Mangle. As the phone rings, I sit on my bed. After the fourth ring, Mangle answers.

"Hello?" She says as she answers.

"Hey Mangle. I need to tell you something."

"Okay, what is it?" She asks.

"My aunt and I have to go out of town for a few days. We found out that my mom was in an accident and since we're the only ones that we're related to her, we have to get her body. So if anyone asks where I am, tell them I'm out of town. I'll explain to them what happened when I get back home." I explain.

"Okay babe. Go do what you gotta do." She says, knowing she has a smile on her face, trying to cheer me up.

"Please be careful, Mangle."

"I'll be fine. I have everyone to help me. And we'll be here when you get back. I love you."

"I love you too, Mangle." I say with a smile.

"Be safe."

"I will, you too." Then I hang up the phone and set my phone next to me.

I better start packing or my aunt will do it for me.

~Next day~

My aunt and I have packed up our car and are getting ready to leave. I sit in the front passenger seat as I wait for my aunt as she grabs a few more things. As I wait, I start to text Mangle.

Me: morning babe ;3

Mangle: morning :3

Me: Hru this morning??

Mangle: I'm doing good. U?

Me: Okay. Getting ready to leave

Mangle: Good luck. I luv u

Me: Luv u too

Mangle: I gotta go, class is about to start

Me: Okay, talk to u soon

As soon as mine and Mangle's conversation ends, my aunt sits in the driver's seat and starts the engine.

Mangle's P.O.V.

When I tell Foxy that I gotta go, the teacher tells everyone to sit down and be quiet so he can take attendance.

~lunch time~

Felt like hours since I've talked to Foxy. I already miss him so much. As I walk to the cafeteria, I text Foxy, letting him know I'm at lunch. I stop outside the cafeteria doors as I wait for Chi and Chica.

As I look for them, I hear a familiar voice, a voice that I don't want to hear.

"Someone looks lost." I try not to panic and try not to look at him. But he steps in front of me, Spring-trap. God, why of all days, does he have to bother me?"

"Where's your boyfriend?" He asks but I don't answer. Then he grabs my face and twists it so I'm forced to look at him.

"I asked you a question. Where. Is, your. Boyfriend?" He says through his teeth. He slowly lets go of my face so I can talk.

"Home. He got sick." I lie. Then I feel my phone vibrate in my back pocket, knowing Foxy texted me back.

"Wow, usually he's by your side all the time. Guess this is my chance." He starts to run the back of his right hand on my cheek as his left arm snacks around my waist. As his hand grabs my butt. I elbowed his gut. He gasps then looks at me.

"Bad idea." He then slaps me across the face and pulls my hair back. I cry out in pain as tears fall. Why isn't anyone stopping him? Then I hear my name.

"Mangle!" It was Chi. I look at her direction and she and the others start running to us. Spring-trap lets me go and I fall to the ground. He starts to make a run for it but Bonnie gets in front him. Bonnie shakes his head and punches him on his face. Spring-trap stumbles back then looks at Bonnie.

"You shouldn't touch what is not yours."Bonnie says, looking down at him. Spring-trap takes a few steps back then bumps into T-Fred. Right next to him is Freddy. All of the guests look at Spring-trap with death glares on their faces and they start threatening him quietly.

As they do that, all of the girls help me.

"You okay Mangle? Do you hurt?" Chi asks they all take me to a table and have me sit down.

"I-I'm fine. I need to text Foxy." As I pull out my phone, he has texted me 5 times.

Foxy: Hey babe

Foxy: Babe, u there??

Foxy: Mangle, is something wrong??

Foxy: Mangel?!?

Foxy: Mangle, ur scaring me, plz answer me

Dammit. That's the last thing I wanted to do. Freak him out. I start to text him back.

Me: Sorry, I got held up by my friends. I'm here now.

I don't want to tell him that Spring-trap is trying to get me. I don't want him to worry. Then Foxy texts me back.

Foxy: It's okay, plz don't scare me like that

Me: I won't

Then Chi asks me a question. "You didn't tell him what just happened. Why?"

"He's already dealing with something and I don't want him scared and more stressed."

"Why isn't he here?" Bonnie asks as the boys walk to us.

"He's gonna explain when he gets back. A family emergency popped up and he needed to take care of it." I tell them and Bonnie nods at me.

After a few minutes of sitting with everyone, the bell rings to get to our next class. Bonnie and Chi walk me to my next class, making sure that Spring-trap doesn't jump me again. I'm lucky to have them as my friends.


Hey guy's. Here's another chapter for you. I couldn't make this chapter without an old friend.

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