Telling Mangle The Truth

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Foxies P.O.V.

“Hey Foxy. I’ve been curious. Where’s your parents?” Mangle asks me and I freeze, not moving and not making eye contact with Mangle.

“Foxy?” Mangle calls out. I look up at her and she looks worried. I slowly make my way to her and sit next to her on the bed.

I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out. I look down at the ground, scared of what Mangle will think when I tell her. I then feel Mangle’s hand on my back and she says, “Foxy, please tell me.”

I sigh and say, “My parents abused me. When I was younger, like 5 to 10 years old, they would always yell and argue. And whenever they see me, they put their anger on me, when I didn’t do anything. I would get bruises on my arms, legs, and back. I would get scratches. Especially my face but you can hardly see them. I was getting sick of it. I wanted to get out. So, when I was 10, I heard my parents arguing of whos gonna take me and take care of me but I didn’t want either of them to take care of me. Not after what they did to me. So I told my mom that I want to live with my aunt and we’ve stayed together ever since and never heard from my parents again.” I sigh as I finish explaining my past to Mangle. I look up at her and her face looks like she’s about to cry.

“I’m sorry Foxy this had to happen to you.” She says as she lays her head on my shoulder and wrapping her arms around me.

“It’s not your fault Mangle.” I say and pull her into my lap and hug her. Mangle wraps her arms around my neck. I hold her tight and bury my face in Mangle's neck as Mangle runs her fingers through my hair. I begin to relax and I says, “I’m gonna take a shower.” I set Mangle on the bed and make my way to the bathroom. I set a towel on the counter and turn on the shower. Once the water is at the temp I want it, I begin to get out of my cloths.

I put my head under the water and hear the door open, knowing it’s Mangle. I keep my head under the water and I hear the shower door open and feel a hand on my back. I look behind me and see Mangle running her hand over my scars.

“Who beat you the most to get these scars?”

“Mostly my dad. He had the most anger problems.” I turn around, facing Mangle. Mangle looks up at me with a sad face. I cup her face with my hands and kiss her. She kisses me back, passionately. We break our kiss and we look at each other for a few seconds and put our foreheads together

Hey guys. Sorry if this chapter is short but I wanted to make another chapter before I go back to school and continue on finals.
But I do hope I can make like 4 or 5 chapters on Friday, if im not busy so u guys can enjoy the story and publish a xmas story on xmas eve.
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