Warm Hugs

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    Mangle's P.O.V.

    As the month goes on, the colder it gets. I don’t handle the cold weather very well. I’d get cold easily and I would have to bundle myself up.

    I wake on a Friday morning with my alarm clock going off. I hit the off button on the clock and stare at the ceiling for a few seconds. I then sit up and on my bed and stretch. Once I do that, I stand up and make my way to my dresser. I pull out a pair of thick leggings with a navy blue shirt.

I put them on and I grab my black vans with a pair of socks. I put them on and I grab my jacket, along with my backpack. I make my way down stairs and I see my little sister, Blaise on the living room.

“Blaise, what are you doing up early?” I ask her as I land on the last step of the stairs.

“Momma woke me up and told to get ready and now I’m waiting for her.” She says in a happy tone. I smile at her and make my way to the kitchen, grabbing a water out of the fridge. I walk back in the living room and ask, “Where is Momma?” I look towards the stairs and I see my mom.

“Mangle, I need to talk to you.” My mom says as I walk over to her.

“Your father and I have another business trip to go and we’re gonna be gone for a week.. So, I’m we’re taking Blaise you Grandma’s and I was wondering if it’s okay you stay Foxies place until we get back.” She says as I see my dad walk down the stairs with suitcases.

“Yea, I’ll ask Foxy when I get to school.” I say with a happy tone.

“Thank you Mangle. Now we gotta get going and you gotta go to school. Talk to you later.” My parents hug me and Blaise does the same after ward. I stand at the frame of the door, watching my parents put their stuff in the car, helping Blaise in, and drive away.

I walk back into the house and finish getting ready. I grab my jacket and put it on along with a hat, scarf, and gloves. I put my backpack on and I start walking to school. When I stepped outside, I was hit with cold air. I wrap my arms around me, trying to stay warm. I then begin to walk to school. On my way to school, I just get colder.

I finally make it to the school and I see my friends. I make my way to them, shivering. I see all the girls begins hugged by their guys and I don't see Foxy.

“Hey Mangle.” Bonnie says and he looks around me. “Where's Foxy?” He asks and I shrug, “Don't know.” I say as I continue to shiver.

“Mangle, you okay?” Chica asks. I don't answer and out of nowhere, I feel wrap around me. Warm arms. I turn around and see Foxy. I immediately wrap my arms around him, with my arms in his jacket. Foxy is so warm and I don't want to let go.

“Geez, Mangle, you're freezing.” He says as he puts his arms around me. I don't say anything as I warm up and the bell rings.

“Come on Mangle, we gotta go to class.” Foxy says but I don’t let go. Foxy sighs and he picks me up, bridal style. I wrap my arms around his neck as Foxy walks us to class.

When we get to the classroom, no one is in there, including the teacher. Foxy walks me over to my desk and sets me down at my seat. I let go of him, but I didn’t want to let go. He was so warm. Come to think of it, if I stay at Foxies place all week, I would keep my arms around him.

“He Foxy, can I ask you something?” I say as I turn towards him.

“Yea, what’s up?” He says as he look at me.

“My parents want me to you if it’s okay I stay at your house this whole week ‘cause my parents are gonna be on a business trip. Is it okay?” I say and I see a smile come upon Foxies face. That makes me smile.

“Yea, that’s fine. Just gotta let my aunt know.” He says and everyone enters the room and so does the teacher. Both Foxy and I pull out our notebooks and start taking notes that’s on the whiteboard.

Time skip

School ends and Foxy and I are making our way out of the school. Once again, when I step outside, cold air hits me. I shiver and Foxy puts his arms around me, keeping me warm. I smile and we make our way to Foxies car. Foxy unlocks and he opens the passenger door for me and I sit down in the seat. Foxy walks around the car and sits in the driver's seat.

Once eh turns on the engine, Foxy tells me something. “We’re gonna stop by your house so you can get somethings. I called my aunt during lunch and she said it’s fine for you stay over. She’s also on a business trip, but she doesn’t know how long.” I smile and say, “Thank you Foxy.” Foxy smiles, leans over and kisses me. I kiss him back passionately, we break our kiss and Foxy pulls out of the student parking lot.

We soon make it to my house and Foxy parka in front of it. We both step out of the car and walk into the house. I lead Foxy up to my room and once we enter my room, Foxy picks me up and throws me onto my bed and he hovers over me. I look at him as he smiles down at me and I smile back. Foxy leans down and kisses me. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him back. Foxy roams my body with his hands, releasing a low moan out of me.

Foxy looks at me and says, “As much as I wanna do it, I want it to be special like the first time.” I smile at him and say, “okay.” We both get up and start getting myself packed. I go into my closet and goes to the very back. I look behind me, making sure that Foxy doesn't see me. He's helping me put my makeup, hair stuff, etc in a bag. I go back to what i'm doing by going through a box with some lace bras with matching thongs and stocking. I was saving these for something special and I think with me staying at Foxies, is special. I grab my bag with the 5 pairs of lace bras and thongs and put them in the bottom of my duffle bag and put the rest of my clothes on top of it, so Foxy doesn't see. Foxy comes out of my bathroom and puts my makeup, hair stuff, etc in the duffle bag and zips it up.

Foxy pulls me towards him and kisses me. I kiss him back as I wrap my arm around his neck. Foxy puts his arms around me and puts my jacket on me. We break our kiss, grab my stuff and make our way back outside to Foxies car.

When we step outside, we both see something beautiful. Snow. I love seeing the snow fall.

I smile to myself as Foxy and I go to the car. Foxy outs my duffel bag in the back seat as I sit down in the passenger seat. Foxy makes his way to the drivers side and turns on the engine. I turn on the heater, staying warm and relax the whole ride to Foxies house.

Minutes pass by and the car stops in front of a house, Foxies house. We both step out of the car and I grab my duffle bag and swing it over my shoulder. Foxy walks over to me, puts his arm around my shoulder and we both walk to the front door and walk inside. I look around the house and it amazed of how beautiful it is.

“Follow me.” Foxy says as he leads me down a hallway and enter a room, guessing his room. I walk in the room and Foxy says, “Is it okay you stay in here with me?”

I turn to look at him and say, “Yea, that’s fine.” I smile at him and set my duffle bag on the bed.

“Hey Foxy. I’ve been curious. Where’s your parents?” I ask him and Foxy freezes, not moving or making eye contact with me.

Hey guys, sorry it took me a while to publish another chapter but its here. Are u shocked that Mangle asked Foxy where his parents are? Will Foxy be able to Mangle and how well will she take it?
Plz leave a comment of what u think. Don't forgot to vote and share. See u in the next chapter.


Foxy x Mangle: High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now