Dealing With Springtrap, again

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Foxies P.O.V.

The next day, I wake up by my alarm. I hit the off button and grown as I get out of bed. Then I immediately think about yesterday. I smile to myself as I think about it.

I then walk over to my dresser and pull out an outfit. After I put on my outfit, I put my socks and shoes on. Once on, I grab my backpack and head down stares to see my aunt watching tv.

"Morning Foxy." She says.

"Morning." I say back as I go to the kitchen and grab a water bottle out of the fridge. I then head of the house, saying bye to my aunt, and I make my way to my car. I sit in the drivers seat and before I reverse the car, I pull out my phone and text Mangle, letting her know that I'm gonna pick her up.

Once the text is sent, she responds quickly. She says that she'll be waiting for me and can't wait to see me.

I smile as I finish reading the text and I start making my way to Mangle's house. As I'm on my way, I turn on my radio and the song 'Yours Again' by Red comes on.

I pull up to Mangle's house and I see her outside of her house. She makes her way to my car, opens the passenger door and sits down while putting her seat belt on.

I grab her hand and pull it up to my lips and I kiss her hand. She looks at me as I do this and she smiles.

"Morning babe." I say to her with a smile. She smiles back and says, "Morning."

I keep hold of her hand and start driving to the school. Mangle relaxes in her seat and looks through the window.

We pull up to the school and I turn off the car. I get out of the car and before Mangle could open her door, I ran over to her door and opened it for her. She smiles as I do this and she gets out of the car. I close the door and I wrap my arm around Mangle's waist, then we head into the school.

As we walk in, we see all of Mangle's friends waiting by her locker. They wave to us and we make our way to the them.

"Hey Mangle." Say Chi. "Hey." Mangle says with a smile.

"Are you guys together?" Asks Bonbon. Mangle and I both look at each other, we smile and look back at them. "Yes." We both say at the same time.

Then, out of nowhere, Chi hugs Mangle. Then Bonnie makes his way to me and pats me on the back.

"Congrats man." I smile at him then look back at Mangle as Chi lets her go. Mangle then stands in front of me. I wrap my arms around her waist, give her a kiss and she turns around with her back to me and she begins to talk to the girls about cheer.

I ignore their conversation as I look down the hall and see who's coming to us. Spring-trap. He's the last person I wanna see right now 'cause of what be has done.

He makes his way to us and he notices that Mangle is with me and that I have my arms wrapped around her.

He looks pissed. He has an irritated look on his face. He starts making his way to me. I let go of Mangle and Spring-trap punches me in the face. I fall to the ground and I look up at Spring-trap as he hovers over me.

He then grabs me by the collar of my shirt and says, "When something is mine, it stays mine. And you just deciding that you take what is mine is a bad mistake." He says as he punches he across my face. He does this a couple times until Freddy and Bonnie pull him off of me.

I stand up and wipe the blood off of my lip then look at Spring-trap as he struggles to get out of Freddy's and Bonnie's grip but he doesn't.

I go up to his face and say, "I don't like it when you treat something or someone badly like they did something wrong when they didn't. Mangle is not yours. She was never been yours and never will be. You have no right to treat her like you did. For what you did, you're getting this." I then punch Spring-trap in the stomach. He bends down as he couchs, gasping for air.

He stands up straight again, then I punch him across the face a few times. Then I punch him one more time in the stomach. Freddy and Bonnie let him go as Spring-trap goes down to the floor, couching out blood. I back away from him and say, "Get out of here. Now!"

He then gets up and runs down the hall. I look around me and notice theres a crowd. I ignore the crowd and look over at Mangle. She walks over to me and hugs me. I hug her back and she looks up at me as she runs her hand around my face when I have bruises.

"You should go to the nurse, Foxy." I nod and we head to the nurses office.

Hey guys. Sorry took me a long time to update the next chapter. I've been super busy with school. This is gonna happen a few times but I hope not alot. Hope you guys can forgive me.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment and if you can, share my book to some people that will read it. Thx guys.


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