Staying at Foxies: part 1

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Mangle's P.O.V.

I wake up the next morning in Foxies room. I look next to me and see Foxy isn't in bed. Then I look at the clock on the side of the bed and it displays 9:15.

I slowly get out of bed, wrap a small blanket around me and walk out to the living room. When I step into the living room, I smell something good. I smile to myself and walk into the kitchen and see Foxy making breakfast.

Foxy sees me standing next to the counter and he smiles at me. “Morning.” He says.

“Morning.” I say back as I walk over to Foxy to see what he's making. Luckily, the food he made is my favorite, pancakes with eggs and bacon.

“You hungry?” Foxy asks as my face begins to water and I say, “Yes.” Then I sit down at the island and watch Foxy finish cooking breakfast. Don’t you just love it when your boyfriend makes you food and it makes you smile none stop? Well, that’s what happening right now.

Foxy puts some food on a plate and places the plate in front of me with the bottle of syrup. I thank him and pour the syrup on my pancakes while Foxy makes his plate and sits next to me. I pass Foxy the syrup and start eating. I close my eyes, savoring the food. I can feel Foxies eyes on me but right now I don’t care. I open my eyes again and take a second bit of my pancakes. I look over at Foxy and he has a smirk on his face.

“What are you smirking about?” I ask him as I wipe my mouth with a napkin.

“Nothing.” He says as he eats his eggs. I smile at him and continue eating.

Minutes pass and we both finish eating. I stand up and start cleaning up since Foxy made breakfast. As I wash the last dish, I feel Foxy wrap his arms around my waist and starts kissing my neck. I tilt my head to give him for access. He kisses harder, releasing a moan out of me. He stops and turns me around, lifting me up on the counter. He stands in front of me, between my legs and kisses me. I kiss him back and wrap my arms around my neck. Foxy bites my bottom lip, asking for entrance but I playfully denied it. Foxy tries again and I denied it. I then feel his hands go to the insides of my thighs, getting close to my core, and that makes me gasps. Foxy takes the opportunity and sticks in tongue in me.

Our tongues fight, being dominant but of course, Foxy wins. We break our kiss for air and we look at one another. Foxy then picks me up, me wrapping my legs around his waist and he carries me back to his room.

Foxy lays me down on the bed and hovers over me. He starts kissing my neck and slowly makes his way down.

(Must me 15+ to continue reading)

Foxy slowly removes my tank top and begins kissing my breasts. He takes one in his mouth and he takes one of his hands and slowly kneads the other one. I throw my head back as pleasure comes over me and I softly moan Foxies name. Foxy then sucks harder on my breast after I moaned his name. Guessing he likes hearing me moan his name.

He then travels south, to the rim of my pants. He takes both of his index fingers, makes hook and hooks them on my pants and pull it down. Once off, Foxy tosses them across the room and starts kissing my inner thighs. I softly moan from his touch and close my eyes as pleasure once again, comes over me, little by little.

Foxies P.O.V.

I begin kissing Mangle’s thighs and I hear her beautiful moans. I make my way up further, reaching her panties. I open her legs more and I softly kiss the top of her panties and then take them off, reaving a beautiful pussy.

I look up at Mangle and she looks up at me. She smiles at and I smile back. I lower my head and begin licking her pussy. Mangle gasps and moans my name. Just her moaning my name make me turned on more and having me lick harder. Mangle moans a bit louder, and her body begins to shaking. I stop and stand up. I look down at Mangle Gives me a sad look. I quickly take off my pants, walk over to my nightstand, grab a condom, open it and slip it on. I then hover over Mangle, kiss her cheek and slowly enter her.

Mangle throws her head back and I begin thrusting into her. Mangle wraps her arms my legs and moans uncontrollably. I then pound into her and Mangle’s body begins to shake again, reaching her max. But before she could completely reach her max, I flip us over with her on top of me and me on bottom. Mangle looks down at me and she know exactly what to do. She positions herself over my dick and pushes her body down. I begin to relax as pleasure comes over me as Mangle rides me.

She begins to grind on me and moving her hips. And it feels so good. Out of nowhere, Mangle begin to goes faster. I hold onto MAngle’s hips and I begin to thrust into MAngle as she continues to ride me. We both meet at the same time, in rhythm. Mangle then moans out my name real loud, reaching her climax and so do I.

Mangle collapse on me, breathing heavy. I lay Mangle next to me as I take off the condom and throw it away. I look down at Mangle and see that her eyes closed. I pull the blanket up and cover Mangle with it. I then kiss them top of Mangle’s head and left her to sleep. I put on my pants, a t-shirt and walk out of the house, closing the door behind me.

Hey guys. This is crazy of how fast I'm publishing this book more. Im still holding up to my promise of publishing 5 chapters. Now i have 4 left.
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