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(picture of Foxy at the top 🔝)
Foxies P.O.V.

The next morning, my aunt drops me off at my new school. I say bye to her and start heading to the front office. While I'm going there, I see a lot of girls looking at me. I can't blame them, a lot of girls like looking at me.
I make it to the front office and I go to the desk that's in front of me.

"Hi, can I help you?" The lady behind the desk asks.

"Umm, yes please. I'm a new student and is wondering if I can get my schedule." I ask her politely.

"Okay then. What's your name?" she asks as she goes to computer, ready to search for my name.

"Foxy Hook." I tell her and she types my name in her computer. Then I hear the printer. She gives me a paper and says, "Here is your schedule for the year. Have a good day."

I take the paper and walk out of the office and look at my schedule.
1st period- History
2nd period- Math
3rd period- Free period
4th period- Science
5th period- Pe
6th period- Robotics

I sigh as I put my schedule away and go to my locker. I unlock it and put my stuff in it, then out of the corner of my eye, I see a white fox pushed up against a wall. She tries to push him off but he just comes back. Then, she starts to yell for help. Everyone around her just walks away and ignores her. Wanna know how that makes me feel?

It makes me pissed off. I close the door to my locker and I go over to the white fox and push the guy that was in front of her, off her and he lands on the floor. One thing is for damn sure, he's mad. He gets back up and says, "You asshole. Who do think you are?"

"Someone who wont let people mess with pretty girls, like this one." I look behind me real quick to look at the white fox, then at the guy I pushed down at the guy. To be honest, he looks ugly. He a green rabbit. 

Looks like any girl in the school wants to be with him

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Looks like any girl in the school wants to be with him.

"Does it look like I care? If I want a girl, I get her." he says.

"But she doesn't want you to bother her. You saw saw her pushing you off of her. Now I expect you leave her alone or theres gonna be a fight." I tell him and he looks around us. Now there is a crowd, ready to see a fight.

Then the guy walks away and the crowd also walks away. I turn around to check on the white fox and all of a sudden, she hugs me. I almost fall over but I mamage to keep my balance. Then I hug the white fox back. She then lets go of me and then says, "Thank you for what you did."

"No problem. What's your name?" I ask her.

"Mangle." she says and let me tell you, that name is beautiful.

" she says and let me tell you, that name is beautiful

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(picture of Mangle)
"What's your name?" Mangle asks.

"Foxy." I tell her with a smile. She smiles back and asks me another question, "Are you new here?" I nod.

"Yea, I'm a new student here." I tell her.

"Okay, if you need help around the school, you can ask me for help." Once Mangle says that, the bell rings.

"Maybe I'll see you in one of my classes. See you later Foxy." Mangle says and she starts walking down the hall to her class.

When she is out of my sight, I start making my way to class.

Sorry guys it took me a while to publish another chapter. I've been busy lately with my family and trying to hangout more with my boyfriend.
Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to vote, comment and, if u want, follow me. U guys are awesome and see u in the next chapter.

Foxy x Mangle: High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now