Last Day Of School and A New Friend

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Mangle's p.o.v.

God, how time flies. Especially when you've been dealing with school when the year is about to end. Can't believe Foxy, all my friends and I are gonna be Seniors next year.

On the bright side, Spring trap hasn't bothered me ever since that day. As a matter of fact, we haven't seen him at school these past few weeks. It's good for us but I don't know about everything else.

I'm not gonna think about it too much. I'm just gonna focus on the here and now and the future.

Foxy and I are on our way to school, and it's the last day too! Which means no work or tests. Just hanging out with our friends.

I look over at Foxy as he's driving and I see his right hand on his lap. I reach over to grab his hand and he entangles our fingers together. Then he lifts my hand up to his lips and kisses it.

It makes me smile.

I'm the luckiest girl in the world.

It doesn't take long to get to the school. Foxy parks next to Freddy's car and we see everyone hanging out around it. Chi opens my door before Foxy could turn off the car.

"Girl, you won't believe who transferred to school last minute!" Chi says as she jumps up and down with excitement. I give her a puzzled look, trying to think of who it could be.

I just shrug at her as I step out of the car and Foxy walks around to stand next me.

"Can I have a guess?" Foxy chimes in. I look at him as he gives Chi a guess. "Golden Fazbear, Freddy's cousin." I look back at Chi as she gives a defeated look.

"How did you know? Did Freddy tell you?" She asks as she crosses her arms. I only giggle at her.

"Freddy has been telling me about it for weeks now. Hell, we used to hang out whenever he was Freddy's. Only meet him a few times." Foxy explains.

I look back at Chi and ask, "Why is he transferring on shut short notice?"

Chi answers as we walk over to the others standing at the front of the building. "Freddy didn't say. He did say that they'll explain it to all of us when we meet together at lunch." The bell rings letting us know we need to go to class now.

We all wave each other off as we go in different directions.

-Time Skip to Lunch-

As I exit my class room, Foxy wraps his right arm around my shoulder and leads us to the cafeteria. I start looking around for our friends at our normal table that we sit. Luckily, they're there, but don't see Freddy.

"I'm gonna get our food, you can go to the others baby." Foxy says as I look at him. "Okay honey." I start making my way to the table and wave at him. Bon and Chi wave back and I take a seat.

"Where's Freddy?" I ask Bonnie.

"He should be here any minute with his cousin." He says and right on cue, Freddy stands behind Bonnie, without him knowing. I lean in to Chi and whisper, "More like any second." We both laugh and all Bonnie does is give us a confusing look.

"What's so funny?" he asks then Freddy puts his hand on Bonnie's shoulder and he jumps.

"Freddy! What the hell? Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" He places his hand over his heart.

"Welp Freddy, mission failed. You can get him next time." Foxy says as he sits next me with our food and the widest smile on his face. Everyone starts laughing and Bonnie just gives Foxy a blank stare.

When everyone finally stops laughing, Freddy speaks up and says, "Everyone, This is my cousin, Golden Fazbear." Freddy steps to the side so we could see Golden. He looks just like Freddy but with Golden hair and a purple hat.

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