The Lake

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Foxy's P.O.V.

"Finally, we're here." Bonnie says as he gets out of the cramped van. Everyone starts spilling out of the van and stretch from sitting for a four hour drive. Honestly, the drive wasn't that bad. Just the people on the road were complete morons.

I opened my car door and stepped out of the van. I looked around me and take in everything. Then I look over at everyone as they look at the lake and notice the yacht. T-freddy's parents had some people bring it to the lake yesterday so it was ready for us. They also left some supplies in the lower part of yacht.

Well, that's what T-freddy told me.

"Okay everyone. Gather around." I call out to everyone so we talk about unloading the van. Once everyone is in a circle, I start diving out jobs. "Bonnie and T-freddy, you guys help take the bags out of the vans. Mangle, Chica and Chi, you three will go in the yacht and decide which beds you want and the boys will put your bags on your beds. I'll also help the boys. Let's get going."

We break away from the circle and go to our areas to do our jobs. The boys to the back of the van, and girls to the yacht. We each carry our girls bags and follow right behind them.

The girls made it the front deck of the yacht and T-freddy calls out to them which door to go through to get to the rooms. They enter the door and we do the same.

"Okay, pick out a bed girls." Bonnie says and they do just that. All the girls decided to go to the back of yacht. On the left is a bunk bed. Chi chose the top bunk while Chica chose the bottom. Funny right? Meanwhile on the right, there's a single bed but right above it is shelves. Good place to put their bags. Mangle chose that bed. The guys and I dropped off their bags on their beds so they can put out whatever they need, while we get our bags.

It only takes us a few minutes to go to the van and back to the yacht when we see the door leading to the girls room, closed. Who knows what they;re doing in there.

We all shake our heads and pick out our beds. It's the same lay out like the girls, on the left is a bunk bed, and the right, a single. Bonnie and I chose the bunk, him on the top, me on the bottom. While T-Freddy takes the single. We put our bags our beds and we hear giggling from the girls.

"What's going on in there?" Bonnie asks.

"I'm sure. But we'll find out soon enough." I assure him.

10 minutes pass by, and the girls haven't opened the door. I get tired of waiting. I stand up, walk over to the door, knock and say, "You guys okay? What's going on?"

Finally the door open and what we see blow mine and guys minds away.

We see our girls, wearing sexy bikinis, showing off every curve and it makes them look perfect. I can't take my mind off of Mangle as I see her blushing a little.

"We're just getting ready to go swimming. If you want to join us, you can. We'll wait for you on the deck." Chi says as they all go to the deck.

All I do is look at the guys and we start getting ready. We kind of rush around just so we could go swimming with our girls.

We get in our swim trunks in record time and start making our way to the deck where the girls are.

"Well, well, well." Chi says as we walk through the door and they all stand up and walk toward us. I look at Mangle and all I could do was smile at her. She looks so beautiful when she wears a bikini.

At the top of my head, I get an idea. I smirk to myself and pick up Mangle, bridal style. She squeals and giggles as I carry her off the yacht and towards the lake. I look behind me and see everyone following us.

I stand at the edge of the water and look at Mangle. I see her looking at the water, amazed how the sun makes the water glitter.

I start walking in the water, it's a little cold but nice. Once the water is at my knees, I look down at Mangle and she looks at me. I smirk and throw her in the water. She screams and splashes in the water. All I do is laugh.

Mangle came out of the water and gives me a death glare. I find it kind of scary. Next thing I know, she starts splashing water at me. I cover my face with my arms and I hear everyone laughing.

I turn around at look at them when Mangle finally stopped.

"Come on guys." I call them then dive into the water. I swim past Mangle, making sure she doesn't find me. I peek my head out of the water and see her calling out to everyone.

This is my chance.

I stand up and slowly walk up to her. I then turn her around and but her over my shoulder. She squeals and laughs. I look over at everyone and see them finally getting into the water. I turn back to the lake and start walking further in the water.

"Foxy, what are you doing?" Mangle asks. I stop walking when the water is up my chest and I put Mangle down.

"Can't we have time for ourselves?" I ask her. She smiles and nods.

"Tomorrow, I wanna take you somewhere. Just us two. Is that okay?" She nods again and I kiss her. She wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me back.

We stay like this for a little bit until the others started calling for us.

We all stayed in the water until the sun started to set. Being in the lake was really fun. Can't for tomorrow. 


Hey guys. I know, I know. I should've made another chapter a long time ago but so much has been going on. But here's another chapter. 

What do you guys think Foxy has planned for Mangle? Leave your guesses in the comments

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