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Foxies P.O.V.

I make it to class and sit down in the back of the classroom. I pull out my phone, earbuds, and listen to music.

As I wait for class to start, I look at who all is coming in. Soon, I see Mangle come in the classroom. She looks over at me and makes her way to me and sits in front of me. I then look back at the door and see the same guy that was messing with Mangle. Once he see me, he goes to the other side of classroom, far from me. Glad he is staying away from me so I don't have to beat his ass again if he messes with Mangle.

Soon enough, the teacher comes into the classroom and the everyone is silent.

"Welcome back class. Today we're gonna be doing notes in your notebooks on chapter 5. You may work with a parter but don't get loud." The teacher says as he passes paper out to the class.

I look at the paper and it's pretty easy but I wish I had a partner so I can make sure what I'm doing.

Soon, Mangle turns around and asks me a question, "Do you wanna work on the paper together?" It was almost like she read my mind.

I smile and say, "I would very much appreciate that." She smiles back at me and we get to work on the worksheet.

Minutes pass and we finish the worksheet. We  give it to the teacher and sit back down at our seats. Then, I have this feeling that someone is staring at me. I look around the room and see that green bunny looking at me.

Mangle sees who I'm looking at and notices that he's looking at me.

"Don't let Springtrap get in your head." Mangle says to me.

I look at her. "Thats his name?" I ask.

"Yea. He's a popular kid here and he trys to get any girl he want. Like you saw in the hallway, he was trying to get me." Mangle explains.

"I knew it." I say in a low voice.

"Knew what?" Mangle asks. Guess she heard me.

"When I was helping you in the hallway and when I was looking at Springtrap, I thought that he goes and gets any girl in the school and some girls might even like him." I say.

"Some girls like him but some are afraid of him. Like me, I'm a bit scared of him 'cause of what he did to me." Mangle says. "But I'm glad that you helped me." She continues to say as a bit of blush comes over her.

I smirk and say, "Only doing what was right."

Mangle smiles. "Would you like to eat lunch with me and my friends today?" Mangle asks

"Sure, would like to make some new friends." I say.

"Well, I'm one of your new friends Foxy." Mangle says as she puts her arms on my desk.

I blush and nod at her.


Sorry guys took me a while to make another chapter. I've been busy lately but I hope u enjoyed the chapter.


Foxy x Mangle: High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now