Chapter 15

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I'm pretty hammered and my mind is very much intoxicated. I want to wash out the conclusion about Miss Garcia having feelings for me. I don't want to think about it because if that turns out to be true then it would be twice as hard to act normal with her around.

I was about to finish one more shot vodka when it was snatched away from me

"Hey I think you're done for tonight" Shane spoke

I scoffed

"Is this because of what I said earlier?" she asked making me groan

"No. But it's far worse than that and I do not wish to talk about it, please" I said

She nodded and sighed

"Let's get you home" Shane said standing up straightening her pants

Shane led me to her car while I'm barely walking because everything is spinning. She sat me in her car and fixed my seatbelt. I felt her got in as well and started driving and that's when I passed out.

After a while I felt someone slightly shaking me

"Vonne we're here. Please help me, I cant carry you all the way" Shane said waking me up

She helped me get out of her car as we stumble on the process making her fall on top of her car's hood and me on top of her.

We stayed like that for a few seconds

"Im sorry" I managed to mumble slurring the words

She smiled and held my face with her hands

"You don't have to say sorry for not liking me back. I'm contented with what we have right now" she sincerely said

I gave her a small smile as I try to stand up but failed, luckily Shane caught me. And before we walk towards my house, I saw a figure in front of Victoria's house. I might be imagining things.

I shook the thought and drunkenly walked towards my door unlocking it. Shane helped me to my room because I do not want to stay in these clothes

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