Chapter 17

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Monday came by, and I can't help but get very nervous. I will be taking an exam that I need to perfect to win a date with Victoria.

I barely slept during the weekend, I seriously just want to get a chance to take her out. I honestly think that a date with her will absolutely help us, this whole set up with her is not helping at all. Because right now, I don't have the slightest idea who she is, I am only familiar with her passion for dominance and her flirty side.

I wanna know her, like every bit of her. I don't care if it will take me forever to know her whole story. And that will only happen if we are decent enough to talk without any kind of unnecessary remarks and without arguing for even a minute.

I randomly pick my outfit for today. I don't feel like dressing up too much, I wore a plain white sweater, black leggings and a pair of brown top sider. I'm all set!

I went downstairs, my dad is sitting on a stool near the kitchen counter top while my mom is cooking breakfast.

Knowing that I am not alone in this house seeing my parents here with me fills up my heart and there's that instant feeling of ease with them around

I walked over to them and greeted them kissing their cheek. I took a seat beside my father as my mom slid a plate with eggs and bacons in it.

"Thank you, mama"

"No problem love" she answered smiling at me before going back to cooking

I started digging in as I am hungry because dinner last night was uncomfortable and I couldn't eat.

"Your mom is still bugging me about that kind young lady you invited over dinner last night"

My dad spoke putting down the magazine he was reading, and turned his attention to me

"Oh Allison? Why?" I asked still munching on my food

"Apparently she wants to know how you two meet and it's driving me crazy because I do not know either"

I had to laugh at that

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