Chapter 72 : Subject Anima #18

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Returning to Chaldea...

Emiya has returned to his usual station at the Cafeteria...however, his mind would usually wander off during his duty...

Like now...

"W-Wait A-! Emi-nyan! The pot is boiling out of control!!" Tamamo Cat warned Emiya,

"Huh?...Oh shoot, Sorry...!" Emiya quickly turned off the heat and went to check on the soup, 

"Phew...," Emiya sighed as the soup is fine, 
"Are you okay,  Emi-nyan? You haven't been functioning so well ever since you came back from your trip," Tamamo Cat eyes him intently, 

"No, I'm fine. My mind just wandered off a bit there," Emiya said with a sigh, 

"It's not the only time today, these past few days you look really distracted,  why don't you take a break? Tamamo, Lady Beni, and I can take over," Boudica said with a soft smile, 

"No really I'm perfectly fine," Emiya wanted to refuse, 
"Just do what she says chirp, I don't need cooks that are distracted in the kitchen while I'm here chirp!" Beni-enma said

"...Very well,  I shall excuse myself then...I'll be back soon," Emiya said,

He then finds a quiet spot and sat near the large window. He takes out the diary and reads through it once more.

He read about his regret of leaving Ritsuka that night, when it was cold and snow was falling down...

Just then, he bears Da Vinci coming toward him.
"Hey, I found you," Da Vinci said

"Did you find anything?" Emiya asked
"Yup, come on and follow me,"
Stella was once known as Subject Anima # 18, the 18th attempt Homunculus Marisbury created using some of the knowledge he 'received' from the Einzberns.

Marisbury was only able to get his hands on only a small portion of the Einzbern's homunculi craft, and with it he secretly experiment to create his own Homunculus for him to use in Chaldea. He tried many times but non were successful....until #18...

Subject Anima #18 is nowhere near close to a successful Einzbern Homunculi quality, however she is much stronger and was predicted to be able to live longer than the other failed Homunculi Marisbury created...She even has his DNA.

Marisbury created Subject Anima #18 in one of his private estate, with this Subject Anima #18 was able to roam freely the estate, but never set foot outside of it. Her only real purpose will only be in Chaldea and until then she is kept in the estate. The only door to the outside world for her were only the books and photos her doctor prepared for her.

A very young Olga Marie was able to get acquainted to the Homunculi during her stays in the estate, not knowing that the young woman is actually a Homunculi as she was still only a small child.

Throughout her time in the estate, Subject Anima #18 develope an understanding of the outside world and a sense of self.

One night, Subject Anima #18 vanished from the estate along with her doctor. Perhaps, she knew what will happen if she stays she would undergo more inhumane experiments...

The doctor assigned to her once lost his child, and seemed to care and is fond of the subject...even giving her a name...and which is why he decided to save her from anymore experiments and vanished along with the subject...

And ever since then, Subject Anima #18 or her doctor was never heard of again.

Marisbury had sent out many people in search of them, but non ever succeeded in finding them. Eventually, Marisbury decided to give up on finding the two of them to save time and resources and focus on creating a new subject, leading to the Designer Baby...Mash's creation.
"That's just about what I was able to find out," Da Vinci said

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