Chapter 15: An Exotic Woman

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Two days later,

Ritsuka's group finally managed to reach the first town. They can see it from a distance away...however, Leonard isn't showing any signs of heading there...

"Leonard...why are we staying here?" Ritsuka asked, they have been sitting outside for hours,

"Well...! I've been worrying about this matter for days, and I guess I still don't have a clue on what to do...," Leonard said.

"Okay, really! Just what is this problem anyway?" Ritsuka asked,

"Erhm...! We don't have any Identity documents with us," Leonard said,
"Identity documents...?"

Oh! Like a Citizen Identification Card!

"Wait, shouldn't you have one?" Ritsuka asked,

"I did have one, but it was destroyed when I took it with me to the forest. Not to mention, suddenly handing an old ID would look suspicious...," Leonard said,

"Can't we just say that we have been lost in a forest for years and so we weren't able to renew it?" Ritsuka said with a straight face, only to get flicked on the forehead by Leonard,

"Idiot, it's not that simple. People need to renew their ID every year.....Geez, what are we supposed to do?" Leonard scratch his head,




All of a sudden, they hear the sound of a fight not far from them.

"I'm going!" Ritsuka hurriedly rush toward the sound,

Both Vin and Raven also followed her, and Leonard can only sigh as he decided to stay and watch the horse.

Ritsuka can see a horse carriage not far from her, and it is getting attacked by bandits. Ritsuka rushes toward the carriage and charges at the bandits!

"GAH!" One of the bandits got knocked out from her fist,

"What the—!?" The other bandits turned to Ritsuka,
"Who the hell are you!?"

"Wow! Robbing people in broad daylight, you guys are quite brave," Ritsuka said with a smile,
There are 9 bandits still up and about....Easy!

"Tch! It's just a little girl, get her!"

"HAAAAAA!" Five of them charges at Ritsuka, but when they thought they got her....
"....ugh....uhhh...," Every single one of them got beaten up,

"W-What the heck!?" The other bandits were stunned,

"Anyone else?" Ritsuka said,

"Tch! Girls are suppose to stay home and stay useless—!"

"Oh my~ what a ridiculous thought!" All of a sudden, a voice resounds from inside the carriage,

"Hm? GAHHHHH!" And then, vines suddenly sprout from underneath the ground and they pulled the bandits into the ground, leaving only their head still above,

"What the hell is going on!?" The bandits shouted,

"It is futile, you cannot break free from my vines," A young lady then steps out of the carriage,

Perhaps Ritsuka should rephrase that, an exotic lady steps out of the carriage. Her silk blonde hair flows through the wind. Her dark-purple clothes really showed her curves and exposes her pair of slender and white legs...

"Get these things off of us!" The bandit shouted,

"Honestly, you should be grateful that I only trapped you guys under the mud. My vines are actually quite poisonous~ their poison slowly kills you making you writhe in pain!" The woman said with a seductive tone,

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