Chapter 1: The Dark Cave

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Chapter 1





....the ground is so...hard....!

...and is that...the smell......BLOOD!?

Ritsuka's eyes shot open when she smells the scent of blood, she hurriedly sat up from the ground. But her surrounding is too dark that she can't clearly see, but....

She felt something wet and cold on her hand, she held her hand in front of her nose and sniffs at it....and it is blood!
Ritsuka hurriedly stood up from the ground, she slowly stepped back, but then her feet stumbled into something.

"Kyaa!" She stumbled backwards and fell onto the ground with a loud thud.

She must've set something off, as flames suddenly burst from behind her and started lighting the whole room, and the scene shocked Ritsuka!
The room is filled with dead bodies of cloaked men.....

"Ha...ha....ha...! What is this....!?"

The ground also had traces of a magic circle drew on it, and the lines seemed to have been burnt by the magic circle.
Ritsuka had no other choice but to quickly leave this place.

She picked up a torch on the floor and lit it up, then she sprinted outside the room.

It appears that she is inside some kind of cave-like hideout, there are many twists and turns that she had to take, and there are also multiple tunnels she had to choose, sadly she couldn't decide which is the right one, so she just followed her instincts and guessed.
After what felt like hours, Ritsuka felt tired....

She still couldn't find the way out, and her torch is almost out.

"Haa...haa....why do I feel so tired...?" Ritsuka sighed.

She had went through more tiring and shocking moments, but why does she feel so tired now?

Ritsuka decides to walk again, she can't stay in this dark creepy place. Who knows what monsters or maybe bad people are lurking around?


However, she really underestimated her sudden tiredness this time...

The torch had died out moments ago and Ritsuka is forced to walk around without any light. She thought she could continue walking, but her legs gave out and she fell onto the ground.

"Aw there...something in the air....?" Ritsuka said.

In the end, she decided to just take a short break and sat down on the ground.

"I wonder how the others are doing. They must be worried that I suddenly disappeared..."

Ritsuka thought about the Servants and staffs in Chaldea, and she thought of Mash...

With how she is, Mash must be going crazy by now...
Ritsuka was just about to close her eyes, when she suddenly heard rattling sounds not far from her. She shot open her eyes, and she tries to stand...

"Is it an enemy...? A monster?" She thought.

In the end, she forced her body to move and started staggering through the darkness. She uses her hands to find her way through, until...

She found a small entry and decides to hide inside of it...

She walks inside and went toward a corner to hide.
However, she felt a breeze behind beside her....

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