Chapter 42: Taken to the Serpent's Den

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In the next day,

Ritsuka began her day by helping out the crew members with light jobs. She would help sew some of the crew member's torn clothes.
Other than that, she would help out in the kitchen. Washing and polishing the dishes, cutting the vegetables...and so on...

"Little lady, can you cook?" Mr. Smith asked her all of a sudden,

"Y-Yes! Is there something I can help with?" Ritsuka asked,
"No, just asking! The men here aren't that good at cooking, only me and that young fella over there!" Mr. Smith nudge towards a young man at the corner cutting some meat,

He had been sitting there throughout the time Ritsuka had been here. When she arrived, he had only given a slight nod before resuming his work.

"So...I was thinking that, I hope you wouldn't mind giving us a hand," Mr. Smith said,
"O-Of course! Please let me help!"

"Haha! Look here Thomas! We've got ourselves some new pair of hands!" Mr. Smith happily shouted,
"Hm...sure...," The young man called Thomas said,

He turned to nod towards them, but soon resumes to cutting some more meat. Ritsuka was able to get a good look at the guy. His body is quite slim, but she can see some muscles from his arms meaning he does some labor work as well. He has dark brown hair which is....quite long...his bangs are practically covering his eyes!

Now that she think about it. She didn't see him last night up in the deck.....

She starts to wonder how exactly he's working with that hair, and talk about food hygiene...

Ritsuka have finished prepping the vegetables for dinner. She had also finished polishing the dishes...
She then turns to look at Thomas, whom also just finished his part as well.

Both of their eyes happen to meet, and Thomas hurriedly turn his head away!
"H-hey, you're Thomas, right? Sorry, but my name is Ritsuka. It's a pleasure to meet you,"

"Y-Yeah....nice to meet you too," Thomas awkwardly shook her hand,
"Hehe! So, how long have you been here?"

"Well...probably a few months. Mr. Smith offered me to work on the Blue Fortune, I needed a job so I accepted....,"
" you were recruited by Mr. Smith huh?"

"Yeah, only Mr. Smith and Lorenzo can cook on this ship. Lorenzo is already busy with helping out the Captain and as the only doctor on board...Mr. Smith needed some help so he took me here," Thomas said,

"I see....,"

"Fujimaru, come here," Lorenzo called out,
"What is it?"

Ritsuka came outside on the deck, and she can see an island in the distance.
The Blue Fortunes finally arrives at their destination.
"There it is,"

"Oh yeah, I see it!"

Not long, the ship docks at the small island. Well it is not that small, there's a mountain right at the center of the island.
"Look, there are people here too," Ritsuka said, "They look...friendly and normal...hard to imagine these people are working together with some Slave traders,"

"Well, sometimes they want you to think like that. But behind the scenes...they're totally different people,"
"Really, Huh?"

"Yeah, we'll gather some information while we're here. Just as we promised, you stay on the ship the whole time, got it?" Lorenzo said,
"Yeah, careful out there,"

Soon, Captain Gerald, Lorenzo and some of the crew members left the ship. They'll be acting as some normal travelers and gather intel secretly through the islanders.

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