Chapter 12: Trouble in the Village

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A few days ago...

Somewhere far away....

Where the land is dry with no signs of life....a thick fog covers the air...

Deep inside a dark and towering castle....

A man sat on a black throne endorsed with the skulls of many dead beasts and even that of humans....

Three figures can be seen kneeling below the throne....the face of the man hidden by the darkness...and yet, it did not mask the heavy pressure from his body...

"So Ten has been eliminated?" The man said,

"It would seem so sire, a crow returned with the news of that child's death," One of the figure said,

"Hmmm...then, you must've known who is behind this? If not, you're just wasting my time reporting useless information...!" The man said and the figure can feel the pressure on their body,

"Sadly, we weren't able to figure out 'who' defeated him....however, we do know 'what' have killed him,"

"And that is?"

"......Light Magic, sire,"

That is when the man's aura seems to have changed slightly...but then a sinister smile suddenly appears on the man's face...

"Haha...hahaha Ahahahaha! Finally! It has already been hundreds of years! I thought that 'it' would never show up again..!" He laughed as he held his head,

"Sire...we shall immediately send a search party and kill this Light user!"

"No, that will not be necessary...tell me, how is it that you're not telling me 'it's' exact location?"
"That's...we are unable to find any signs of Light magic anywhere,"

"Hmph! It would seem she's being protected by another guardian, huh?...No matter, are 'those' still inside the forest?"

"...Yes Sir! Ten has properly cultivate 'them'...shall we wake them?" The figure asked,

"No need, with the news of the forest now free of a Demon's control...many idiotic fools with gather in that forest, they'll find the nest sooner or later,"

"Master~! Are planning on luring that little Light user out with this?" A womanly voice said from the man's side,
"Hmph! If that person is smart, then they wouldn't expose themselves too easy. I'm just going to use this as a warning or a little spark for the new one," The man smiles,

Back at the present,

Ritsuka wakes up early in the morning. She sees that Leonard hasn't woken up yet...and so is Vin.
Apparently, she'll need to tidy up the house first...Then she'll cook up breakfast.
Vin had been awake the entire night, and his eyes have stayed watching the sky change from dark to light...
His gaze seems to be looking somewhere far away....

He had been staring outside the window...until he smelled something from outside the room.

Vin decides to check downstairs...

He sniffs around and finally ends up in the kitchen...and that is when he sees Ritsuka cooking calmly in the kitchen.
"...Hm? Oh! You're already up," Ritsuka smiles,

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