Chapter 43 : The Black Serpents

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Ritsuka told her how she and Thomas were both taken by the Black Serpents's goons.
"Hooo? So you're just unlucky to get picked up along with your buddy, huh? Man, you seriously have some bad luck," Red said with a pitiful expression towards her,

"Haha....Yeah, I've had times like that...,"
She remember those gruesome moments when she tried to summon those 5* servants and only came back with nothing but 'Mapo Tofu'

While her head is filled of those sad moments...her eyes caught the sight of some young beastkin behind Red. She also sees the girl she saw before...
"They are...,"

"Hm? Oh yeah, hey girls! Come over here, meet my new friend!" Red called out to them,
The little girls slowly came out from their hiding spot behind a large rock...

Their clothes are quite tattered as well...not to mention they are also quite dirty from head to toe. They all look quite weak and malnourished.
"Hey everyone, this here is my new friend, her name is Ritsuka. Don't worry, she's not a bad person," Red said,

"...h-hello....," The little girls all slowly said,
They still seem quite shy and afraid toward her,'s understandable.


After knowing their names, the little girls all went to sleep behind Red.

"How long have they been here?" Ritsuka asked,
"...they were all brought here a few months ago, some were kidnapped from their families, while some...well, they were sold...,"
"No way...and how are they like that? Doesn't this place give any food?" Ritsuka asked,

"Well yeah, but...mostly that," Red nudge at the strange porridge,
"Ah...I see,"

"But the men rarely got these type of meals since this place needed people to work. Since we're...women, they only needed us to..act like dolls and entertain them, without any struggles, so we rarely get any jobs," Red growled as she talked,

"Is that how you're able to survive until now? Looking from your body, you seem quite fit, which I doubt you'd have if you only stay here, are you working like the men?" Ritsuka asked,

"Yeah, since I'm...stronger than most of the women that were brought here, I was able to get some work in here. I was able to get some of the decent meals that way, and I shared some with the kids, keeping them from eating that sh**...!" Red said,

"I see....don't worry! I'll help you in getting food for the kids too!" Ritsuka said,
"...seriously? Are you even capable of working? With those little arms of yours!?" Red asked with a doubtful expression,

SLAP! Only to get a slap on the hand by Ritsuka, "Hey, I might be human, plus a girl. But I can work too you know, just trust me!"

"Yeah okay! But you don't have to slap my hand like that...!" Red growled at her,
"Ohh sorry, I just felt slightly offended," Ritsuka smiles innocently,

"And if I'm lucky, I want to look for my friend if I even get to work at the men's side. That way we might find a way to escape,"

"Look, I don't wanna make you down or anything,'s hopeless in trying to find a way out of here. First of all, these collars! They can control us with these! Second, this place is heavily guarded, you won't be able to escape that easily," Red said,

"There's got to be a way! Look, you've been here longer, don't you know anything about this prison??" Ritsuka asked,
"Haaa...the only thing I know is that we're in some sort of secluded island. One of the prisoners here was able to tell us this since he woke up while he was being transported, but even he didn't survive long here....,"

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