Chapter 48: Assault at Sea

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The sea monster roared causing the waves to shake from the loud noise!

"S-scatter!! We need to move and get out of the way!" Henry shouted,
The men hurriedly went to stir the ship away from the sea monster....!

Luckily, some of them were able to use wind magic letting their ships to move faster without relying the sea wind's assistance! However—

Even with their wind magic—

The sea monster was too quick...and it sets its eyes on one of the ships that fell behind...

"AHHHHHHHH!" The ship was destroyed by the sea monster's large body, and the people on boats was swept away into the sea!

"No....!" The others on board the other ships were shocked,
"Look up there...!" Thomas pointed at the top of the monster's head,
Ritsuka looks closely at it....and she sees a man...!!

"Tch....! Damn you....!!!" Ritsuka rushes toward the sea monster with her spear in hand, without her realizing— she's able to walk on water!!

"RITSUKA!!" Thomas shouted , but he was too late...Ritsuka had gone to fight the monster,

"We'll go and help!" Henry and Dean booth went along with her as well, "Hurry and safe the ones in the water!"

"N-no are we going to....?" The people started became depressed,
"W!we should have never left....! We should have never left the prison! Now we're gonna die here....!!!" One of them screamed in fear. The people who heard him...became filled with fear as well....

They begin to think that they shouldn't have left either....


Someone had stepped forward and slapped the man hard across his face!

"DON'T GIVE ME THAT SHIT!!" It was Red who had slapped the man,
"You wanna go back into that pit!? You wanna spend the rest of you life working as a slave for a jerk like Roland!? DON'T F*** WITH ME!! We've spent the rest of our lives cowering in fear of that jerk! Are we going to give up here...when we are so close to our freedom!? I sure as hell wouldn't!!"

"We've lived our lives in it's time we fight for our freedom! Look at them!" Red pointed at Ritsuka and the other two guys, "That girl...these people have fought to give us our freedom...are we going to let their sacrifices be in vain?! Are we just going to sit doing nothing bit cowering like cowards!? WE ARE BEASTKINS! WE ARE BETTER THAN THIS! WE ARE OUR MASTERS! WE DECIDE WHAT WE DO IN OUR LIFE!"

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