Chapter 14: Moving Away

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Back at the village,

Leonard was able to fight off the spiders, and in the midst of fighting them...the spiders all suddenly flinched and they all went back toward the forest.

"What the—!?" Seeing that they're all going into the forest, Leonard quickly follows them.

He rushes toward the front of the herd and cuts down the spiders. However, some were able to flee pass him.
Once he finished handling the other spiders, he rushes toward the center of the forest....and that is when he heard the loud shriek accompanied by the shaking ground.

"Ritsuka...!" Leonard hurries toward the center, and that is when he is met with a scene of hundreds of dead Blood Spiders.

They were all cut into little pieces and their blood fills the air with pungent iron smell...and he sees Vin standing atop a tree as he stares at the large hole on the ground.

"Hey," Leonard calls out which draws Vin's attention,

"Oh, it's you. I thought you'd die from bone-ruptures with that old body of yours," Vin said,
"SHUT UP! Where's Ritsuka?....she didn't enter the den alone, did she?"

"No, a guy went in first and she followed him...they haven't come out yet," Vin said as he looks toward the hole,

"Well I'm heading dow—Hm?" Before Leonard could enter, he sees someone climbing up...

"A little help please...?" Ritsuka's voice can be heard,

Leonard and Vin hurriedly went toward the hole and they pull Ritsuka up from the hole. Her clothes are tattered and singed from the fire attack she had used, however a black cloak is covering her body.

"Haaaa...! What a day...!" Ritsuka sighs,

"Well at least you did a good job defeating the parent," Leonard said,

"I didn't do it alone....there was actually another guy with me...but I didn't see him when I opened my eyes," Ritsuka said,

She remembered that she blacked out for a moment after using that large attack, when she opened her eyes...she didn't see anyone near her. But she's now wearing someone else's appears to be the guy's.

"Well, let's just forget about're not hurt are you?" Vin asked,

"No, I'm fine. I'm just worried about the villagers...," Ritsuka said,

Their home was suddenly attacked by such a dangerous swarm of Blood Spiders. And a few of the houses were destroyed because of the spiders...they're already quite poor, and with this incident...they're going to have a rough year.

"Well, I think they'll be fine," Leonard said,

"Hm? What do you mean...?" Ritsuka asked, but Leonard just smiles....
Days later, two people can be sees entering the village...

They're riding on horseback, and they're wearing a long brown cloak over their bodies. One man comes down from his horse,

The man appears to be in early 30s, he has quite a muscular and tall body. His hair is dark red and his eyes are blue...his facade is also quite strong...and he carries an air of a Warrior with many years of experience.

*(Sorry for my bad description)

"Excuse me, where is the village chief?" The man asked,

"It is I, is there anything I can help you with sir?"

" are the village chief?" He asked,

"Yes, I am. Is something the matter?" The old man asked,

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