Chapter 52 : Roseblade Household

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*Now let's return to Ritsuka's side....

Early in the morning,
Behind the Roseblade's main mansion, there stood a building to accommodate the servants. The building has two wings, one for the women while the other is for the men...

Inside one of the rooms...on the highest floor, Viola wakes up to the sunlight that enters her room through the window above her head....Viola stretches her arms. She rubs her sleepy eyes...she turns to look at the bed beside her...and she sighs as her roommate who still hasn't woken up.
"Julie...wake up, it's time to work," Viola said,
" more minute...," Julie said as she covers her head with her pillow,

" minute it is," Viola said as she prepares to go to work,
She washes up first before going over to the dresser to get dressed...
She still has some time before going to wake up Ritsuka...she might as well use this chance to do some other work...

"Julie...," She called out again,

"I'm up...I'm up...," She heard Julie waking up behind her,
"Come on, we should get some work done," Viola said,

"Geez Viola...the head maid did say that we can go slow on our other duties...we're told to focus on serving the guests," Julie said,
"She's kind enough to give us some break, but I would rather there's nothing else to do," Viola said,

"You're a real workaholic....okay, I'll get ready can go on ahead and have breakfast first," Julie said,
She still wants to sleep, but since Viola will be working she doesn't want to laze around while she works alone...
Viola heads down to the kitchen...
"Oh hey Viola, you're up early, as usual...thought you'd have less work since you're looking after Master Gerald's guests," One of the women staffs said,

"I want to do some work before serving the guest," Viola said as she eats the light breakfast prepared for her,
"Luckily I already prepare some breakfast, now eat up alright?" The woman said,

"And don't push yourself too much,"
"I know...,"
Viola soon eats......and not long after, Julie came down still yawning...the two had breakfast and they left for the main building.
Ritsuka slowly woke up.....when she opens her eyes, she finds Mash still asleep beside her. She no longer wants to sleep, so she get out of the bed...slowly not waking up Mash...

Ritsuka slowly went toward the window, the sun has risen....she slowly sat near the window to look outside. The horizon looks stunning....and calming....then her eyes travels down to the tree which she saw last night, and of course...there's nobody there.

All of a sudden, she hears the door open....
"Oh my, Lady're already awake," Viola came with quite a surprised face,

"Yeah, I woke up on my own," Ritsuka said as she went toward Viola,
"And...I see that Lady Mash is with you," Viola said when she saw Mash still asleep on the bed,

"Yeah...we haven't seen each other for a long time, and...we just wanna spend some time together so we accidentally fell asleep," Ritsuka said,
"I see...then I shall draw your bath," Viola said,

"Thank you, Viola—"

"Viola...! Lady Mash has— Oh...! I'm sorry, I thought she disappeared...," Julie suddenly came into the room with a worried expression, but when she saw Mash on the bed...she was relieved.

"Mash...come on, it's morning already," Ritsuka went and shook her awake,
"Hmm...Oh, Senpai...good morning...," Mash slowly wakes up and scratches her eyes sleepily,

Then she sees Julie at the door—
"Oh! I'm sorry, Julie...I slept in Senpai's room last night," Mash said as she got up from the bed,
"Ah please don't worry Lady Mash, I also can't sleep on my own! Which is why I love it that Viola is my roommate!" Julie said,

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