Chapter 45: Escape Plan

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In the next day,

Just as they have promised, Ritsuka parted ways with Red and she went to work at another area.
Ritsuka started digging through the ground, searching for some stones or jewels.....when a particular black haired man started digging beside her as well...

"You're swing is pretty weak,"
"Is that so...?" Ritsuka answered, she glances at the man beside her....and of course, it is non other than the 'boss', No. 64

"Hmph, but I see that you have experience in wielding a weapon," No. 64 smirks,

"I gotta say, when I heard that bastard of a commander got kicked by a girl...much less a humans. I thought maybe he was unlucky, and he let his guard down. But I guess you must have your share of fighting," No. 64 said, "Haha, wish I can see the look on his face when he was kicked in the face,"

"That big bruise on his eye...Haha, what a sight," No. 64 smiles wide showing his white fangs,
"I'm happy to see you find it amusing," Ritsuka said, "But, you didn't call me just to have a small chat with me, right?"

"Hmph! You got that right. Can't help but notice that you're quite a tough one. No women has ever been placed in that torture room, much less come out alive with her mind still sane." No. 64 said, 
"You praise me too much, there are many women out there who are stronger than me," Ritsuka said,

"Hmph! Who knows about that, but...for now, inside this prison...only you are here, and I can't help but want out," No. 64 said,
"....yeah, that's right. I have far more important things to do than just staying cooped up in this prison mining stones and jewels...,"

"Hmph! I see that you have the, me and my boys are planning to escape," No. 64 said,
"Please go on,"

"And, we need something that only you can get,"
"And that is?"

"...the map," No. 64 whispered,
"The map?"
"Yeah, the map of this whole entire prison. I've spent years living in this dump, but I still can't memorize my way through this damn place. If we wanna escape, we need to know the routes. And, there's got to be a passageway hidden somewhere around here,"

"And that map can show us where they are, then we can plan our escape route," Ritsuka said,
"That's right, and the only person who has that map—"
"Is the Commander...,"

"Right, that bastard only has one room that he used, and that is his little bedroom where he spends his sweet time sleeping with the female prisoners." No. 64 said,
"...and you want me to sneak inside and get this map,"

"'re a girl, you'll get the chance to enter that bastard's room. Find the map, and somehow memorize or even make a copy of it...!" No. 64 said,
".......I'm not Sherlock Holmes," Ritsuka mumbled,

"Huh? Who's Sherlock...?" No. 64 raised a brow,
"No, never mind....but sir, you do realize that I've just smacked that man with my leg. I don't think he's gonna ask for me sooner or later or even ever," Ritsuka said,

" got that right," No. 64 mumbled,
"But...I didn't say that I'm giving up...I'll try and find a way to get that map," Ritsuka said,

" sure? If you went in yourself, you're gonna look suspicious to him." No. 64 said,
"Yeah well.....I'll figure out something," Ritsuka said, "And don't worry, I won't rat you out when I'm caught,"

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