Chapter 29: Shyness of a Huntress

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After leaving the town,

Ritsuka's group continues their way toward Frantham, the city port. The group have explained the situation to Natalia, and she agrees to go along with whatever they decide.

"Are we going to go through the mountain or around it?" Natalia suddenly asked,

"Hm? The mountain? Well regarding that, we've decided to go through it as we need to hurry," Ritsuka said,

Two nights ago, Ritsuka and Leonard discusses about their route. Apparently, there is a mountain that is blocking their way toward Frantham. Of course they can climb the mountain which is the fastest route, but the mountain is filled with many wild Beasts and monsters.

Or they can the safest route, they'll go around the mountain, which might take longer...

Ritsuka ponders it deeply until, she came to the conclusion that they'll just climb up the mountain. They've faced many dangers's fine to face some more.

And so, they continue toward the mountain...

They came across a small city, and decided to climb the mountain in the next day. Apparently, even if the town is small, but there are many travelers resting and probably selling goods before they continue on their journey either through or around the mountain,
Once they enter the town, Ritsuka's eyes couldn't help but sparkle...there are a lot of Beast men around them!!

"Whoa!" Ritsuka couldn't help but stare at all the Beastmen she passes by.
She haven't got the chance to see a Beast men from this world ever since she came she's very excited to see so many in one place at once!
All of them soft animal ears and tails, and some also has fur growing on some part of their bodies.

Ritsuka is suddenly reminded of Tamamo's soft tail and ears....!

Probably sensing her feelings, Raven butts in and shows Ritsuka her tail...!
"Haha! Well of course you're the best Raven!" Ritsuka happily said as she hugs Raven, the wolf's feelings can be seen from the wag of her tail...

"Come on, stop staring we're gonna find an inn to stay in," Leonard said,

Ritsuka and the group looks around and tries to find an empty inn. It took a while, but they manage to find one.
"Excuse me, we would like to have two rooms please," Ritsuka said,

"Of course, luckily we still have more rooms available,"
"Thank you,"

They were taken to their rooms. Ritsuka and Natalia will be staying in one while the rest stays in the other.

"Alright, we'll stay here for a day and then we'll continue to climb the mountain. Make sure to rest properly so we'll have enough energy to get through for later, Okay?" Leonard said,
"Okayyy!" Everyone said together,

And so, Ritsuka and Natalia both place their bags in the room. They both decide to look around town...

"The city has quite a lot of stuffs here," Ritsuka said as they look around at the various stalls,
"Yeah, probably because we're somewhere near the mountain. People probably needs a lot of stuff and a place to stay before or even after climbing such a mountain," Natalia said,

Raven's ears suddenly perked up,
(Move to the side) she said,

"Hm?" Ritsuka turns to look, and they suddenly heard a commotion.
"Out of the way! Out of the way!"

The people on the street soon parted to the sides. People are rushing carrying some injured person on the stretchers. Ritsuka and Natalia were able to caught a glimpse of the injured men.
They all have a pretty large scratch wound on their bodies. The scratch looks it's made from an animal or beast.

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