Chapter 10: Leisure Days

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Days later,

In a small village quite far away from the Forest of No inn is crowded by many people.
"Hey, have you heard? Apparently the demon in the Forest of No Return has been slain!"

"Yeah, I heard that too! However...nobody knows what happened. Some say that someone defeated the demon while some speculated that the demon might've just left!"

"Seriously? I think somebody was able to kill that monster, that's why the forest is safer now,"

"Don't mess with me, for years many people went inside that forest and non ever returned! I'd say the demon just left the forest!"

While the other guests are busy discussing about the rumors about the disappearance of the demon in the forest, one person is just sitting quietly by herself as she eats her meal. A black dog can be seen accompanying her as it lays on the floor next to her.

However, nobody would have the time to pay her any attention as the rumors regarding the demon is too much of a big news. The girl seemed indifferent as she continues to eat, once her plate is cleaned. She stood up from her chair and left the inn along with the black dog.

She walks through the village, a few people and kids greeted her with a smile which she returns with the same smile. That is when she spotted an old woman who's trying hard to carry a box.

"Let me help you," The girl said,
"Oh my, thank you my dear, but are you sure you can carry it?" The old woman asked with concern,

"Yes, don't worry about it! Should I put it up here?" The girl asked,
"Yes, Thank you very much, you're such a kind girl, Ritsuka," The old woman said,

The girl turns out to be non other than Ritsuka herself.

"Haha, it's nothing. Are there anything else you want me to help with?" Ritsuka asked,
"No no, I couldn't ask you to do this kind of heavy work...with your condition,"

The old woman looks down to see the flapping sleeve...a sign that the girl only has one arm.
"Oh this? Don't worry about it!" Ritsuka smiles,
" can such a kind and sweet girl like you lose an arm?" The old woman asked with pity in her eyes as she held Ritsuka's hand,

"Well...things happened...," Ritsuka said wryly,

In the end, the old woman gave Ritsuka some fruit from inside the box she was carrying. She continues her walk through the village.

It is actually quite a small and quiet village, but the reason why the inn was packed full was because of the news of Ten's death, the Demon of The Forest of No Return, who is known to have killed countless of adventurers and warriors.

This village is the nearest one to the Forest, which is why it is quite small and rural. But because of the news, many curious adventurers came to this town to get a closer look.
Two weeks ago, when Leonard and Ritsuka first came to this village.

Leonard didn't say a thing about their experience in the forest. Apparently, they found a small abandoned house in the village and decided that they'll be staying there.
In the next day, some villagers found them inside. Luckily, the villagers were kind enough to let them have the house, they also helped out in helping Leonard rebuilt the house, seeing both Leonard and Ritsuka's condition.

Ever since then, Ritsuka and Leonard along with Raven stayed in this village. However, not too about Ten's death spreads fast and many adventurers flooded this small village.
Luckily, nobody would have thought that the very person who killed the demon is right near them.
Meanwhile, back at the house.

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