Chapter 40: The Good Doctor and The Captain

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Where am I.....?

"....?" Ritsuka slowly opens her eyes....
She sees an unfamiliar ceiling....and why is the ceiling rocking back and forth? And.....her right's dark...!

Ritsuka slowly blinks her eyes, but her right eye can only see darkness...!

"U...Urk—Ah!" Ritsuka tries to get up, but when she uses her right elbow...she felt a shock running through her entire arm!

"U...Ugh...?" Ritsuka looks at her arm that is being bandaged, she can't feel her's numb!

Then she remembers what happened! That girl...! She broke her arm! And.......RAVEN!!

"A-Ah...! Ra...Rav...en...!" Ritsuka tried to speak but her throat is dry, she tries to move using her left arm...but when she rolls toward the edge of the bed...she fell onto the floor!

"Agh...!" Ritsuka groaned when she hits the floor,

"What's going on!?" All of a sudden, a man comes inside!
Ritsuka looks over the man that had just comes in, she doesn't recognize him...

"Good Lord! What are you doing!? You're gonna hurt yourself again," The man said as he gently carry her back to her bed. Ritsuka is now able to look closely at this man's face...even though she can only see with one eye...

He has long pale brown hair that is tied loosely on his shoulder. He's wearing glasses as well...and behind it are gentle soft colored green eyes...
"" Ritsuka asked with a hoarse voice,

"Please relax, let me get you some water to drink," the man said,
He then brings a cup for Ritsuka and helps her up to drink...

Ritsuka slowly lets the water enter her throat.....
"," She said,
"Your welcome, my dear...," The man said,

"Where am I...?" She asked, "Why are...we...rocking back and forth...?"
"Oh my, are you dizzy?"

"No...," Ritsuka shook her head, " right eye...I can't see...,"
"Oh my, let me see...," The man inspects her right eye, and he sees that it is indeed...

"Do you feel any pain in your eye?" He asked,
"No, just that I can see anything with it," Ritsuka said,
"I see...let me help you," The man's hand starts to glow as he tries to use his magic to heal Ritsuka, but nothing happens.

"This is quite strange...," The man said,
"It's alright, I'm sure I can see sooner or later," Ritsuka said,

"Forgive me for my lack of skills," The man apologized to her,
"No no, please you do not need to feel sorry....,"

"At least use this, we would want anything else to happen to it," The man then wraps a bandage over her right eye,
"Thank you it doesn't feel that weird anymore...," Ritsuka said,

"Now then to answer your question...we are currently on board a ship," The man said,

".....what!? A ship!?" Ritsuka was well damned surprised!
A ship!? How in the world did she get on a ship...!?

"How did I get here...!?Ugh—!" Ritsuka asked as she held her aching body,

"Calm down please, you'll open your wounds," The man said, "Haa...we found you floating at sea...luckily one of our crews spotted you and we carry you were, practically dying at that time...I am glad that your life is saved...although I am sorry that I couldn't save your eye," The man said,

"It's okay...Thank you...for saving me...but, was there someone else..with me..?" She asked,
But the man shook his head, "I'm sorry, but you were the only one we found...was there someone else with you?"

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