Chapter 17: The Virtuous Gods

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Ritsuka slowly opens her eyes...

"Owww! My dizzy..!" Ritsuka shakes her head trying to shake away her headache,

"....Thou art awake?"

"Y-Yeah, I'm awake, just a little—!" Ritsuka hurriedly turns toward the voice, and she sees a woman!
".....!" Ritsuka hurriedly scurry back,

The woman is wearing a gray robe with a hood covering her head and face. Ritsuka can only see the woman's dark red hair and lower face...but she cannot see the woman's eyes...she also seems to be carrying a lantern in her hand, and a staff in her other hand.

Then she looks around, and she finds that she is in an endless space with nothing but stars in all directions.

"I-I'm sorry, but...where is this?" Ritsuka asked, but the woman did not answer...instead she pointed at a certain direction,

"What?...There's nothing over the—huh?" When Ritsuka turns to look back at the woman, she disappears!

"What in the world...? Should I just...go there?" Seeing that there's no other way, Ritsuka's decides to go toward where the woman pointed,

After a few minutes walking, Ritsuka suddenly finds herself in another dimension! Now it is a blank white dimension!
"Hello! Anybody here...!?" Ritsuka shouted,

"Please don't shout, you're causing a lot of vibrations in the air," All of a sudden, another woman pops up!
"Eek! W-who are you?"

"...You should be used to people appearing suddenly," The woman offers Ritsuka her hand,

Ritsuka wanted to take her hand, but she hesitates...seeing her hesitation, the woman smiles. Well...not exactly 'woman' but she's more of  a 'girl' than a 'woman'...

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Fujimaru Ritsuka. My name is Elizabeth," The woman said, "You may call me the Mother Elizabeth,"

"M-Mother Elizabeth...?" Ritsuka's mouth slightly twitch, calling a little girl 'Mother' is a little...
She stares at the girl in front of her, she has long flowing white hair and green eyes...her face also has some kind of tattoo or mark going from her forehead to her cheeks.

"Yes...Oh? Perhaps, you don't know who I am?" The girl asked,

"Y-Yes...I'm sorry," Ritsuka apologized,

"Fufu, don't be...I understand that someone from another world might not know who I am," Mother Elizabeth said,

"Huh?...," Ritsuka was dumbfounded, this woman knows?

"Well, I understand that you must be shocked that I know of your origin. However, please do not be scared...I mean you no harm. In fact, I want sent to help you, the Goddess told me all about you," Mother Elizabeth said,

"The Goddess...?" Ritsuka was confused again,

"I believe I may need to explain a lot more to you. You see...this world of ours was created by the Gods. The Goddess of Earth, Evergreen. The Goddess of Wind, Aria. The God of Fire, Ignatius. The God of Water, Thames. The God of Lighting, Veton. And finally, The Goddess of Light, Dawn. They are the Virtuous Gods. Through them the world as we know it was created,"

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