Chapter 44: Prisoners of the Serpent's Den

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Ritsuka and Henry finally made it to the women's cell...

However, Ritsuka's legs collapsed halfway through so...Henry could only carry her until they finally reach the cell.

"Whoa! Is that her?!" The guards standing by was quite surprised to see Ritsuka in Henry's arms,
"Shut up and open the bars! My hands are shaking!" Henry said,

"Y-Yeah! But man...! She's still breathing...!?" The guards asked as they open the cell bars,
"Yeah...," Henry said,

Once the bars are opened, Henry went down the stairs and place her on the ground.
"Thanks...Henry," Ritsuka softly said,

Henry stopped— before answering with a curt nod...
"Stay alive..," Henry said before heading back up the entrance,

Soon the bars were closed once again...

"Haaa....gotta get...up!" Ritsuka tries to push her body up, but her body is shaking as he pushes up, but before she falls back down—

"Huh?" Ritsuka was caught by some small arms,

Ritsuka behind her, and she's surprised to find the girls!
"H-hey....," Ritsuka softly called out,

"Are you...okay?" One of the kids asked,
"Ha...haha...," Ritsuka laughs weakly,

"What's...wrong?" Another kid asked,
"No, it's fine...I'm happy to see you guys...! Mind...helping me move...?"

"Un...!" The kids nodded, and so they slowly lead Ritsuka toward their usual spot in the cell,
Ritsuka collapsed on the ground with a loud sigh...her body is completely weak...!

"Thanks....where's Red...?" She asked,
"She went to work...,"

"She said she'll be back soon...,"

"I see...wake me up when she comes back...okay?" Before the kids could answer, Ritsuka had fallen asleep, and her chest slowly rise and fall...

The kids looked over her whole body...filled with so many wounds and cuts, and they could feel their chest hurting...they slowly gather around her and they all slept beside her....hoping to keep her warm...

Red is busy working alongside the male prisoners. Even amongst the men, Red is able to keep up with their works without any hindrance. She is currently working in the mining area...

While she is busy mining the stones on the hard wall...but her mind is still thinking about Ritsuka's condition. Until suddenly, a hand went to tap on her shoulder.
"Hm?" Red turns around to find a fox beastman, his round yellow eyes is staring at her, and she could see the the number 91 on his clothes.

"What do you want?" Red asked,

"You're from the women's cell...right?" He asked,
"Yeah, so?" Red asked, she frowns at the guy...she's not really in the mood!

"I'm Thomas, my Ritsuka alright?" The guy turns out to be Thomas! His long bangs and hair have been cut short!
"Huh? you're the guy that was taken along with her?" Red asked, he looks different from what Ritsuka described him to be.

"Yeah, that's me...say, is it true? Was Ritsuka taken to this...torture room?" Thomas asked with a frown,
"....yeah, I guess she is...she hasn't come back to the cell ever since she was called by that f***ing commander," Red growled as she grips at her shovel,

"Hey," All of a sudden, someone called out them,
"Hm?" Red looks toward the one who called out, and her eyes shot open with anger,

"It's you....!" Red growled, the one who called them was Henry.

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