Chapter 64: Queen Roshia and Thorin

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In the next day,

Ritsuka wakes up early in the morning, while Mash is still asleep. She looks out at the window as see that the sun is rising.
"Okay then, guess the search is on," Ritsuka sighs,
She opens up a piece of paper...she had written down all of the possible places where the sword could be.

First would be the Museum of Alessandra...although the possibility of it being kept in a public spot is wouldn't hurt to check it out. And there's a chance the royal family might hid it in a secret place in the museum...

Second would be Evelyn Tempest's is said that Evelyn Tempest was buried in a special spot inside the royal family's cemetery...even though she's not of royal blood, Queen Grace loved Evelyn as her own family...

The third spot....would be the palace itself...
There's a chance that the sword is hidden somewhere inside the palace walls. This is the hardest place for them to search...there's no way that the palace would let just anyone enter...which is why they decide to search the palace last...
Three hours later,

The group had finished taking a bath and ate breakfast.....
"Okay, we'll head toward the museum first," Hugh said,

Ayden and Hugh led the two girls toward the Museum of Alessandra.
"Huh...looks like any museum I've seen," Ritsuka said,

The group enters the building, inside there are quite a number of people.
"Okay, let's spilt up...try to find where the sword might be located or any clues," Ayden said,

The group nodded and they split up....
Ayden along with Ritsuka, while Mash went with Hugh....

They went through many parts of the museum...starting from when the kingdom was first built....
Until finally.....
" this is her," Mash found a portrait of Evelyn Tempest,

A mature looking woman with dark hair and yellow eyes....she wears black and gold armors, and she wields her sword.
Beside her is a young lady....blonde hair and green must be the young queen Grace...
"So that's how the sword looks like," Mash said, "It's quite large...,"
"Yeah...I think that's a claymore...and I'm guessing the one on display is only a fake," Hugh said pointing at the sword inside a glass container,

"Well nobody would put a national treasure on display like this," Mash said,
"Maybe it's what they want people to think like that...what if this thing is the real deal..?" Hugh said,

". . .Why don't we take it out—Ouch!"

"Don't you dare, that will get us into trouble!" Mash said as she slaps Hugh's shoulder,
"Yeah're right, but still....looking at it, it doesn't seem to be the real one," Hugh said,
"Let's keep moving," Hugh said,

"Yes," Mash nodded, but before she does...she took one last peek at Evelyn Tempest's portrait.
Ritsuka and Ayden looks around the museum as well, but sadly there's nothing about Evelyn Tempest's sword....

Eventually, they met up with Mash and Hugh...
"Nothing?" Hugh asked,
"Nothing at all.....what about you guys?" Ritsuka asked,

"Well, we did find a sword....but it's fake, just for display," Hugh said shrugging his shoulders,
"In that case, we'll head over to the cemetery, it's a little ways outside the walls....," Ayden said, and they soon left the museum...

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