Chapter 37 : Rescue

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Back to Aaron and Leonard,

The two men are breathing heavily....they have lost count how many enemies they have fought against! Each monsters have different abilities making them quite hard to deal with as they cannot use any magic to heal nor to anything to support them...!

The monsters did not stop coming...many dead bodies have already littered almost half of the arena...

"Bravo! Bravo! I must two gentlemen would make a fine specimen for my next experiment! Even without magic you are capable of withstanding against so many Monsters!" Phoenix joyfully said,

"What competition....! This is a freaking battle...!" Leonard cursed,
At first he unleashed four monsters, then he unleashed five...then six....then eight...!

He starts to wonder just how many criminals he has in store!?

"Fufufu! Dance for me more! Show me all your capabilities! Then I'll make you a masterpiece!" Phoenix shouted,
"Tch! I really had it with this creep!!" Leonard cursed,

"Leonard...this guy doesn't look anything like a mage," Aaron said,
"Which means...?"

"This guy shouldn't be capable of casting a barrier like this...he must have had something to create it. We find it, destroy it, then we can beat that guy into a pulp and get out of here...!" Aaron whispered,

"Yeah...let's hurry with that," Leonard nodded,

Vin and Theo are still walking through the city, they still could not find the others. Everywhere they go, they couldn't see any signs of the others...!

Vin is getting impatient, he starts to thrown boulders and rocks at the buildings!

"Ahhhh! This is getting us nowhere!!" Vin shouted in anger,

"Hey stop! If you make a commotion the enemy might come to us!" Theo said,
"Shut up! I'll destroy every single buildings if I have to!!"

"Just wait for" Theo suddenly see something,
"VIN STOP!" Theo hurriedly stops Vin from throwing any more rocks,

"Look over there!" Theo pointed,

Vin looks to where he is pointing, and he sees something glowing...?
The two guys walk over toward the light, and they're surprised to find.....a fairy??

"This is...a fairy?" Vin looks at the small creature,

"Uuuuu...!" The little fairy is shivering as Vin looks down at her,
"Geez, you spooked the little fella...," Theo said,

He held out his hand toward the small's wings are small and round even it's body is small and chubby. It's eyes are round and sparkly green, her hair is white puffy like flower petals...
"Uuuu...?" The little fairy looks up at the boy in front of her,

It slowly and steadily came out from her hiding spot, it slowly approach Theo's hand and stood on it. Once the small creature nestled itself on Theo's hand, it really appears small...almost the size of Theo's pinky.
"You okay little fella?" He asked,,

"Uuuu...," The little fairy spoke,
"This one seems to be an infant," Vin said,

"Yeah I can see that, and you almost crush her...!" Theo glares at him,
"Ugh....! Fine......I apologize for almost hurting you," Vin apologizes to the small fairy,

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