Chapter 32: Berserk Beast

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Natalia listened in...and she heard Aaron calling the Guardian his teacher.

" wonder...," Natalia smiles, no wonder the guy was angry at how the Guardian as become...the Guardian must be important to him.

Aaron turns his attention to the black snake behind the Guardian, and he glares at it with murderous intent.
"Too bad for you, you're going to have to leave his body!" Aaron jumps toward the snake,

But the Guardian blocks Aaron's way with it's claw, but Aaron uses his fist and knocks away the Guardian's paw/hand.
"Tch!" Aaron lands on the ground, only to be attacked by the snake.

Aaron dodges away from the snake, he rushes towards the wall and with his fist he throws a huge boulder at the snake. However, the Guardian protected the snake.

The huge boulder was shattered into small rocks. However, Aaron uses his magic and transforms the rocks sharp, it floats midair before descending upon the snake's body.

"KIIIII!" The snake screams, but it's only wounded to small extent,

The Guardian went forward and slams it's claws down onto Aaron. But Aaron jumps up and lands on top of the Guardian's arm and he rushes up toward it's face.
"Just.Go.To.Sleep!!" An iron fist suddenly forms on Aaron's hand and he slams it hard against the Guardian's face,

The Guardian was pushed back, but Aaron did not stop there as he kicks the Guardian once more with his leg and sent it toppling on it's back.

Now with the Guardian immobile, Aaron goes for the snake on the Guardian's back. However, while he was occupied with the Guardian...the snake had sensed Natalia and is going for her.
"Damn it!" Aaron rushes towards the snake's body,

He holds the snake's body, and with all his might....he slams it into the wall!!

"Keep away from the beautiful lady," Aaron glares,

But all of a sudden, the red marks on the black snake's body glows. The snake opens it's mouth and spews some kind of liquid toward Aaron!
"Whoa!" Aaron dodges the liquid, and when the liquid hits the is a pretty scary sight as the ground melts in the blink of an eye,

"Watch out!" Natalia shouted,

Aaron jumps out of the way once again, but the snake continues to spew poison on and on. He tries to get close but the snake seems to be acting clever as it moves it's body faster than before. Every time he wanted to grab it, it would slither away out from his grasp.

However, the snake suddenly stopped spewing it's poison and Aaron thought that it's had enough.
"Ha! Did you run out of poi—Urk...! AGHH!"

All of a sudden, Aaron coughed out some blood!
"A-Aaron....? Aaron—!"


It appears that the poison has circulated around the cave, without any ventilation the poison on the ground has evaporated into the air becoming poisonous gas...!

"Urk...! Damn you....cunning snake...!" Aaron smiles as he glares at the snake before him,

But the snake drew it's attention once more towards Natalia,
"No!...DAMN IT!"

The snake prepares to spew another wave of poison towards her, but Natalia couldn't move as her legs are still hurt. She forced herself to jump out of the small cave, but she was too slow....the poison is already at her way...!

All of a sudden, she felt someone's strong arms around her. She can hear the sound of liquid splashing, and the sound of Aaron groaning.

"A-Aaron....Aaron! Why...? Why? You idiot...!" Natalia was in shock,

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