Chapter 26: Misty Night

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Ritsuka finally made it back to the group.

"Took you awhile, so did you know where that old man will be?" Natalia asked,
"No, even better I've got the Senior Courtesan's help! She's gonna help us!"

"That's great, let's head inside—"
"Ahhhh....about that she wants only me to go inside," Ritsuka said,

"Why? You know it's dangerous for a woman to be in the same room with a man," Natalia said,
"I agree, you should bring Miss Natalia with you," Mark said,

"Don't worry, Miss Lorraine will be with me while we interrogate the Captain," Ritsuka said, "And also, she also thought that the lord of this town might be in on this kidnapping as well,"

"I mean think about it, if the officers are this brave enough to not do anything then the lord must've let them. There's no way they can at freely like this without notifying the lord," Ritsuka said,

"So while I interrogate the captain, you guys can go and do something about the lord. Try finding anything about him or any secret business he's doing,"

"Erhm...Okay, I get it. I know you're strong, but just in case...Raven should stand guard here," Leonard said,

"Okay, I'm good with that, how about you Raven?" Ritsuka asked her,

(I have no complaints)

"Alright then, we all know what to do so...good luck everyone," Ritsuka said,

"Yeah, you be careful understand?" Leonard said,
"Yes yes, I'll be careful!"

Vin however took Ritsuka's hand before she leaves, "If anything happens, call for me or Raven. Understand?" He said with so much worry in his eyes that it makes Ritsuka's chest hurt a little,

"Don't worry, I'll only be acting as a servant or maybe pour drinks for him. There's no trouble,"

".............okay, but really call out for me, understand?" Vin said,

"I understand, this is only an interrogation not a battle I'm gonna be fine...," Ritsuka said,

In the end, the group watches Ritsuka head back into the brothel and once they see her enter safely, they head for the Lord's mansion.
Once Ritsuka returns to Lorraine's room, she is surprised to find her once empty room is suddenly filled with beautiful clothes...! The clothes look like the kinds you can see worn by dessert dancers or probably somewhere close like Mata Hari and Scheherazade's clothes...

There were many colors and designs that is makes the room look bright and colorful as well...

Lorraine looks at Ritsuka whom is admiring the clothes in front of her...a smile appears on her face as she walks over to her.
"I'll help you get ready, there one you're interested in?" Lorraine asked,

"Everything looks beautiful.....I don't think such clothes would suit me...," Ritsuka then remembers her prosthetic arm...and not to mention the many scars on her body...wearing such clothes would only make men sick of her...

Lorraine realized the prosthetic arm from the start and she can also see some of her scars that weren't covered by her clothes...

"Don't worry, just leave that all to me," Lorraine said softly to her, "You're going to captivate every man that sees you," Lorraine said, and so...her hands began to do its magic...!
Leonard and Natalia both went to investigate about the lord of the town. It turns out that the current lord of the town is currently ill, in the end his duties as the lord of the town has been given to his only son, his name is Hans Answorth.

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