Chapter 55 : The Crown Prince's Birthday part II

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"Phew, that was a close call,"

Ritsuka looks up to find her turns out to be non other than— Julian!

"Hi there, that guy leaves you for a moment and you found yourself in trouble," Julian said as he took her hand and kissed it,

"Ah! How dare you— Julian?" The lady looks up with a stunned expression when she saw Julian, but then it turns to relief and joy as her eyes sparkles,
"Why hello there, Lady Cecilia...lovely to see you, but what are you doing on the floor? Did you drop something?" Julian went to help her,

"Oh Julian, this commoner she—" She began to speak to Julian with a hopeful gaze—
"'s best if you do not cause a scene...," But Julian cuts her off,
" wouldn't want to drag your father and yourself down would you?" Julian whispered to the lady Cecilia's ear,

The lady flinched and felt the hand holding her arms are cold as ice....from the edge of her eyes she saw a dangerous glint in Julian's red eyes...!

"Y-yes...y-you're right...," Lady Cecilia said,
"Even though she's a commoner, she is still my younger brother's partner for tonight and a guest to the Roseblade household, so I do hope you can at least show her some kindness...," Julian said with a smile,

"Tch...!" Lady Cecilia clicks her tongue and left the scene along with the other ladies,
Now with the ladies is only Julian and Ritsuka are left on the balcony.

Julian turns around and flashes a smile at Ritsuka,
"Honestly, how could he have left you alone amongst these animals?" Julian asked as he makes his way towards her,
"He was called by the crown prince," Ritsuka said,

"Ah yeah, the crown prince's favorite knight in shining armor. Heh! He has been trying to recruit that guy as his trusted knight ever since that hunting day," Julian said,
"I see....that's quite an honor," Ritsuka said,

"Yeah, and our old man thought the same thing. He's delighted that the crown prince is showing trust to our household," Julian said, "Anything that would raise the Roseblade's reputation would always make him happy....but in my case, I'm something that makes him mad,"

"Well I kinda understand that any parent would get headaches at watching their son turn into a big playboy.....but I won't reprimand you about that, even though I don't like playboys like you," Ritsuka said,

"Hm? How come? Is that because you're interested in me?" Julian asked with a smile,
"No, I have not a single ounce of interest on you,"
"Hm, a shame...,"

"But I can understand that you must be going through something...something hard that made you act this way — or it's just a hunch and I'm wrong — or maybe you are just a big annoying pervert," Ritsuka said,

"Is there something funny?" Ritsuka asked,

"No, it's just that you hate a guy like me, but you sympathize with me...I can't really understand you," Julian said, "You're really one weird girl, no...make that boar woman,"
"Like I said— stop calling me a boar woman! I didn't kick you that hard— whoa!"

Julian suddenly grabbed Ritsuka's hands and drags her back into the ballroom, the music is playing an upbeat tune and the guests are dancing merrily. Julian finds a spot in the middle— and he begins to lead Ritsuka in a dance.

"Oh come on, seriously!?" Ritsuka whispered to him,
"If you want me to stop calling you a boar woman, dance this once with me," Julian said, "I don't see that guy coming back here any sooner, so accompany me just this once," Julian asked her with a smile,

".....haaa, you're already dancing with me so what's the use asking for my permission," Ritsuka rolls her eyes,
"You know that you can just walk away from me," Julian said,
"Yeaaah, I don't think I can do that...if I do, I'm gonna cause trouble for Captain Gerald," Ritsuka said,

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