Yamcha's Decision

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Hello everyone I'm back,
Sorry for the long wait,
Let's get right into it shall we.


I have been thinking these past five years and there is hope that rehab can help me, I get released tomorrow, I'm going straight to the rehab facility, it's going to be tough but I have to stick it out as best I can, I decided to call Bulma, the line rang a few times and she picked up "hello" she said "uh hey Bulma" I responded nervously "oh Yamcha I didn't expect to hear from you" she said sounding a little peeved "uh yeah I'm on my way to rehab now" I said "that's good, I hope it helps you get over what's going on" she said "yeah me too" I said "well I must go now, I'm working on a new invention bye" she said "bye" I said and she hung up, oh boy she didn't sound happy to hear from me, about half an hour later I arrived at the rehab facility, I walked in and went up to the reception desk "hello I'm here to sign myself in" I said to the secretary sitting behind the desk "of course here just fill out these forms" she said with a smile, I went and sat down to fill out the forms and about five minutes later I had completed them, I was just about to stand up to hand them back to the secretary when I froze *am I doing the right thing here?.* I questioned myself *I spent five years in prison, i had therapy in there.?* I was brought back to reality when the secretary cleared her throat "have you finished the forms?" She asked
"yes I have, I'm just wondering if I actually kneed to do this, I was in prison for five years and got therapy while I was there" I said softly "well I'll see if I can get a doctor to see you to determine if you kneed to continue or not just hand me the forms and take a seat" she said then gave me a smile "thanks" I said as I took a seat, ten minutes went by and a man in a white lab coat walked out and "Yamcha" he called "yes" I said as I stood up "I understand that you have been through therapy whilst in prison, now I don't believe you require any therapy at this time" he said "ok" I said hesitating a bit "you should be fine, stay away from alcohol and drugs ok" he said "right" I said as I nodded "alright you may leave now" he said "thanks doc" I said, I left the building and returned home to my apartment boy am I glad that they didn't freeze my bill payments otherwise I'd have no where to go "ah crap what am I going to do, I won't be able to be a pro baseball player again for a long time" I said panicking, I grabbed my phone and called Bulma "hello Yamcha" she said "hey Bulma the doc said I don't need anymore therapy right now" I said "oh that's great" she said sounding happy "I need a favour Bulma please?" I asked "huh, what's up?" She asked sounding curious "could you help me out financially for a bit please just until I can get my baseball career back on track" I said, I heard a sigh "of course I can, I can't just leave you with no food or money now can I" she said "your a life saver Bulma thank you so much".


"No worries, I will drop by your place in a few minutes see you then bye". I said "bye" he said "so your helping him after what he did?" Vegeta growled I nearly jumped out of my skin "look what I do is none of your business" I quipped "whatever just don't bring him here" he said in a dangerous tone "fine, I'm going over there now I'll see you when I get back" I said walking away, I got into my car and drove over to Yamcha's place it took around ten minutes to get there, I parked my car then capsuled it, I walked into the apartment building then over to the elevator and pressed the up button a few minutes pass then the elevator dings and the doors open I step inside and press the top floor button, a few minutes later I step out of the elevator then I made my way to Yamcha's door then knocked, almost immediately  Yamcha answered "come in it's open" he said I open the door and walk in, it's a good thing I had spare keys to his place while he was locked up I kept the place clean and cleaned out the expired food in his fridge "hey Yamcha" I said "oh Bulma I wasn't expecting you to be here so quickly" he said "no worries, I brought some capsules with me I put fresh food in them so we can restock your fridge and freezer" I said with a smile "thank you , I really do appreciate it" he said.


After Bulma left i went to check on Kaka "hey how are you feeling Kaka?" I asked walking into our room "I'm feeling great thanks for letting me sleep in Geta" he answered while walking towards the bathroom to have a shower "I will go make you some breakfast ok Kaka" I said before he turned the shower on "ok Geta I won't be to long" he said, i left the room then made my way to the kitchen and started to prepare Kaka his breakfast, about five minutes later Kakarot walked into the kitchen "yum that smells so good" he said taking a seat "it will be done in just a few more minutes" i said as i continued to cook the massive amount of bacon, sausages, eggs and pancakes, i plated all the food on one large plate then set it down in front of Kakarot "oh boy it looks so good" he said as he picked up the knife and fork i had placed at the table earlier "eat up, I'm going to cleanup before Bulma gets back" i said as i walked over to the sink to wash up the frying pan, mixing bowl and the utensils i had used, after everything was cleaned dried and put away I looked to see Kakarot's plate empty so i washed it and the utensils as well then dried them and put them away "that was delicious Geta thank you so much" Kakarot said patting his belly "I'm glad you enjoyed it. A few hours later Bulma returned looking frantic and muttering under her breath "what's wrong woman?" I asked "its Yamcha he tried to grab my butt as i walked out the door" she said sounding agitated, just then Kakarot walked over "gee what's wrong Bulma you sound pissed off?" He asked "of course I'm pissed off Yamcha tried to grab my butt, like for fuck sake he does that after i help him get back on his feet" she ranted "HE DID WHAT?" Kakarot yelled "calm down Kakarot" I said "NO I WON'T, IM GOING TO GO OVER THERE RIGHT NOW" Kakarot said i placed my hand on his shoulder right before he used instant transmission.


I used instant transmission to go to Yamcha's place, of course i felt Vegeta's hand land on my shoulder I'd rather not have him witness what I'm about to do, as soon as i showed up at Yamcha's he went pale "oh h-hey Goku" he said i had him by his neck and pinned him against the wall and tightened my grip "KAKAROT NO" i heard Vegeta say I ignored him "if you ever try to put your hands on Bulma again i will kill you" i said growling he nodded "you have two options, one don't ever come near me or my family or friends again or two you can choose for Vegeta or myself to put you out of your misery right now" i said the dropped him "so what's it going to be ?" I asked he looked terrified "just kill me" he whispered, my eyes widened for a split second then what i did next stunned Vegeta, I snapped Yamcha's neck and used instant transmission to get out of there before Vegeta could get near me, I opened my eyes and i was as far away from everyone as i could be, I knew that Vegeta would come looking for me so I lowered my ki down as far as i could, i also knew that Bulma would pick up the kids for me so I didn't kneed to worry, I found a cave with a pond in it so I dove in and swam through until i found an air pocket so i just stayed there to process what i had just done.

                      AUTHORS NOTE
Hope you enjoyed this chapter.
1519 words

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