Goten and Trunks

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Ok so this is a filler chapter because why not.
And heck who doesn't like Goten x Trunks

Look at them there so cute (fan girl squealing)

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Look at them there so cute (fan girl squealing)

Ok on with this chapter.
I hope you guys like it.
Don't forget to vote and comment if you like the chapter.


I'm super excited about seeing Trunks tomorrow.
I'm finally going to tell him how I really feel about him "gosh, I'm so nervous, what if he doesn't feel the same, what if... NO! I can't let myself chicken out now" "chicken out of what"?
my dad asked casually standing in the doorway
SHIT I DIDN'T EVEN RELISE THAT I SAID THAT OUT LOUD AND NOW I HAVE TO TELL MY DAD "oh uhh umm it's nothing dad really" I lied "Goten tell me the truth what's bothering you"? my dad said sternly and I flinched at the dangerous tone in his voice
"D-dad I-I think I'm in l-love with Trunks" I stuttered and dad looked at me with a gentle and loving face "oh Goten I'm so excited for you" he said "th-thanks d-dad I'm go-going to tell him how I feel tomorrow" I said "oh Goten I'm so proud of you" he said "I'm gonna go to bed now ok dad" I said "ok goodnight Goten"
"Night dad". I woke up the next morning feeling happy and excited I got dressed and flew over to see Trunks at capsule corp smiling like a lunatic the entire trip.


I had just woken up and remembered that Goten was coming over today "FUCK IM NOT EVEN WEARING ANYTHING" I fell off my bed trying to get ready in a rush "OWCH DAMNIT THAT HURT" I got up and rushed to my wardrobe and flung it open and grabbed a pair of red shorts and one of my black tanktops
and threw them on in a rush just as I was pulling up my shorts there was a knock on my door "hey Trunks it's Goten, you in there?" Shit  it's Goten "yeah just a minute Goten" "ok" I secured my shorts I rushed over to the door and opened it to a fed faced Goten I looked at him in confusion "Goten what's wro...." my sentence was cut short when Goten wrapped his arms around my waist and his face was just inches away from mine "Tr-trunks" he stuttered "I-i gotta t-tell you something really important but I can't seem to find the words to t-tell y-you so I'm go-going to Sh-show you instead ok" I could tell that Goten was really nervous as his face inched closer to mine he closed his eyes and his lips met mine in a soft but sweet kiss I was shocked at first but I began to melt into the kiss and wrapped my arms around Gotens neck pulling him closer to me, we kissed for a few more minutes before he pulled away and looked into my eyes before saying "I-I ho-hope you understand h-how I feel about you now" I looked at him "I-I was going to tell you that I felt the same way about you Goten but you beat me to the punch" I chuckled and kissed him again.

" my sentence was cut short when Goten wrapped his arms around my waist and his face was just inches away from mine "Tr-trunks" he stuttered "I-i gotta t-tell you something really important but I can't seem to find the words to t-tell y-you so I'm...

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Authors note
This was a filler chapter just while I figure out what happens to Bulma.
Love you guys.

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