Gohan x Piccolo

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Authors note

Yeah yeah I know what you're thinking another filler chapter.
I know I haven't put Gohan or Goten in the story much the explanation is in this chapter.
And yes I'm doing Gohan x Piccolo.
Cuz why the fuck not?
I love this ship. ❤️❤️❤️
Ok on with the story.


I just got off the phone from talking to Bulma and was getting Goten ready when all of a sudden mum burst in yelling and carrying on about dad being a nutjob "I WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO LIVE WITH THAT PATHETIC WASTE OF SPACE YOU TWO ARE COMING WITH ME" she screamed I began to power up but in a flash there were Ki restricting nets thrown over Goten and myself I could feel myself becoming weaker and my vision became blurry and I passed out, I woke up in a dark room Goten was still unconscious laying beside me "where the heck are we?,
what did she do to us?, how are we gonna get outta here?" Damn that bitch she had us in some kind of safe room, how do ..... wait I can contact Piccolo telepathically 'Piccolo can you hear me?' 'Yes Gohan I can hear you, what happened?, I felt your Ki drop rapidly' 'my mother had some kind of Ki restraining net throw over me and Goten and know I don't know where we are' 'ok Gohan I kneed you to stay calm and raise your Ki a little bit at a time until I say stop, do you understand?'
'Yes Piccolo I do please hurry' 'ok rase you Ki up to 100' 'ok' 'good now up to 200' 'right'
'Ok good Gohan I'm starting to sense you Ki faintly, go up to 500 but do it slowly ok' 'ok piccolo I'm at 450 now' 'good I'm able to sense it easier now just abit more' 'ok I'm at 550 now Piccolo' 'ok Gohan I've got it, I will get to you as fast as I can ok' 'ok Piccolo'.


I knew something was wrong when I felt Gohan and Goten's Ki drop rapidly, I also felt Goku and Vegeta power up at that moment so I flew to were they are and told them what happened "Goku Chi Chi has Gohan and Goten" I told him "WHAT?" Vegeta shouted "JUST WAIT UNTIL I GET MY HANDS ON THE HARPY" Vegeta began to rant he was livid
"Piccolo we have no time to spare we have to act now and get my sons back" Goku said with determination "yes let's go" I responded "HEY! WAIT FOR ME" Vegeta yelled after we took off, after about twenty minutes of flying we reached a shabby looking house dead centre in the middle of nowhere "I can sense Chi Chi's Ki" said Goku cautiously "Vegeta come here" Goku said "what is it Kakarot?" Vegeta answered "Vegeta I want you to go take out Chi Chi" Goku said quietly Vegeta looked shocked for a moment but soon his shock was replaced with a smirk "with pleasure Kakarot" with that Vegeta flew down the mountain lowering his power level down so that Chi Chi wouldn't sense him coming.


I was standing in the kitchen cooking dinner for Gohan and Goten I added a little something to keep their Ki low so that they wouldn't be able to leave the house, all of a sudden a hand was clenched over my mouth so tight that it hurt and the voice I heard made me freeze in pure terror "Hello harpy it seems that your time has come to an end" he laughed and I squirmed in his grasp "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" I tried to yell but it came out muffled "MHPFH GHY GYUB EFS IUB UNKBV?" He chuckled darkly "Kakarot told me to make sure that you don't get in his way while he retrieves his sons" I looked at Vegeta and I knew he was going to kill me, I can tell he plans on making my death as painful and slow as possible, his hand tightening and my jaw starting to crack under the pressure and I let out a muffled scream "really now harpy you should of expected this day to come, surely you knew that your death would be by my hands?" He paused and laughed again "I'm going to slice open your stomach and strangle you with your own intestines you monster" he laughed as he cut my stomach open and grabbed my intestines and pulled them out and true to his word began strangling me with them and I was fading fast my eyes closing my body shutting down the last thing I heard was Vegeta's manic laughter and I went towards the light.


I was covered in the harpy's blood but I didn't care she was finally gone and unable to hurt my Kakarot anymore "hmp, yes she is finally out of my hair" I said as I rose my hand and burnt her remains into ashes and then burnt the ashes so that nothing remained of her I then heard Kakarot's gasp behind me and I turned to see him smiling warmly at me "oh Vegeta thank you for getting rid of her, mnh you look so sexy right now...." I cut him off and said "not now Kaka we have to go now so I can wash this blood off me and burn this armour" "oh alright, but when we get back to capsule corp we're going to fuck in the shower" he said huskily "no kaka were not" I said sternly "aww but Vegeta I have a boner after seeing you destroy Chi Chi like that" my face went bright red not that you could tell because my face was covered in blood.


I heard the door to our room get blasted off its hinges and Goten jump into my arms but the voice I heard next was Piccolo's "Gohan, Goten are you two ok?" "Yeah we're ok piccolo, I'm so happy to see you I got up and ran to Piccolo and wrapped one arm around his waist the other around his neck pulling his face towards mine and kissed him passionately his eyes went wide with shock but he eventually kissed back and I felt my heart flutter as we pulled away from each other he said "Go-Gohan  th-that was my first Ki-kiss" "hmm, mine to, I love you Piccolo Sama" I said "Gohan I love you too" he said and we kissed again "uhh guys did you forget that I'm here too?" Goten asked "sorry Goten" I chuckled.

~>•~>•~>•~>•~>•~>•~>•~>•~>•~>•~>•~>•~                              Authors note Ok so this chapter explains why Gohan and Goten disappeared from the story before they got to go to capsule corp

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                              Authors note
Ok so this chapter explains why Gohan and Goten disappeared from the story before they got to go to capsule corp.

Anyways that's it for this filler chapter thing for now I will update what happens to Bulma I. The next chapter.

Word count is 1191

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