Training part 2

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Authors note
This is part 2 of training.
Sorry for the late update.
Well here we go I hope you guys like this chapter

Also massive thanks for the reads, votes and comments YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME I LOVE YOU ALL.


I was in the gravity room training by myself after breakfast. I was in the middle of my speed exercises when I felt Kakarot's Ki outside the gravity room, I stayed focused on my training. all of a sudden he IT'D into the gravity room and decided that now was a good time to test my reflexes. His right fist connected with my left cheek sending me falling towards the gravity room floor, "WHAT THE FUCK KAKAROT"? I shouted as I went hurtling towards the floor. "Oh shit, you ok Vegeta"? "I'm fine Kakarot" I groaned as he lifted me up off the floor of the gravity room where I had landed leaving a Vegeta shaped dent in the gravity room floor. *when did he get here"? I asked myself. "Oh shit, you ok Vegeta"? He asked again sounding concerned "I'm fan fucking tastic" I responded sarcastically "here let me help you"
He grabbed my hand and pulled me up off the floor. "Thank you Baka" Kakarot chuckled and cupped my chin looking deep into my eyes then brought our lips together in a passionate kiss.


I cupped Vegeta's chin and gentle brought our lips together in a sweet and passionate kiss, my phone rang "damn phone" Vegeta spat "hang on a sec Vegeta" I said and answered my phone. It was Krillin he said that the devorce had been finalised and that Chichi had been arrested and locked away. "I'm just glad it's finally over Krillin" " yeah, and now she can't bother you or Gohan or Goten" "where are Gohan and Goten"? I asked "don't worry Goku there both fine Gohan has Goten at his place they will be fine" he answers "ok as long as there ok" I said
Vegeta huffed and I said goodbye to Krillin and hung up.

Unknown to all inside the capsule Corp building that Gohan and Goten are locked away in ChiChi's basement and ChiChi's new boyfriend was bringing them food and water laced with a ki restriction drug.


I can't believe it Goku and Vegeta, well I guess it kinda makes sense since there the last full blooded Saiyan's so of course they would eventually end up mating with each other, 'but why so soon'? I asked myself 'HAVE THEY BEEN IN A RELATIONSHIP THE ENTIRE TIME?' I screamed in my head. Well only one way to find out I will ask Goku.


Vegeta and I had just come out of the gravity room when Bulma came up to us and asked to speak with me about something, I nodded and walked with her to the sitting room. "What's wrong Bulma is everything ok"? I asked her "I heard you two last night" she gave me a death glare then said "how long have you two been together"? "Umm" I was interrupted because Vegeta walked in at just the right time he must of been eavesdropping on the conversation and he shouted "NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS WOMAN" "HOW LONG HAVE YOU TWO BEEN FUCKING"? Bulma screamed and Vegeta "IF YOU MUST KNOW WE HAVE BEEN TOGETHER FOR A WHILE, AND LAST NIGHT WAS OUR FIRST TIME" I exploded at Bulma I have had enough of her poking her nose where it doesn't belong "just leave us alone" I said with tears in my eyes and I ran up stairs to Vegeta's room and flung myself on the bed feeling guilty for shouting at Bulma.


I stood there in shock at Kakarot's outburst, I looked at Bulma and scoffed "you just can't keep you nose out of other people's private lives can you"? I said to her calmly "Vegeta I'm sor...." I cut her off "JUST SHUT UP" I screamed at her and took off after Kakarot. I got to my bedroom and saw Kakarot hugging a pillow and crying. I sat next to him and pulled him into a cuddle " hey it's ok Karo don't worry about Bulma, I know she stepped past your boundaries and I know you feel bad for shouting at her" "it's the first time I have Geta" "I know Karo I know" "Geta"? "Yes Karo what is it"? "I love you Geta" "and I love you to Karo, shh now and try to get some rest ok" "ok, night Geta" "goodnight Karo".

Authors note
Yay another chapter up.
I haven't pre written anything from this story I'm making it up as I go along.
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts on this chapter.

814 words.

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