Its worth a shot

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                        AUTHORS NOTE
I am back again,
Apologies for the hiatus,
I've been unwell, but now I'm feeling better,
Also abit of writers block,
Ok on with the story.


"This will only take a minute" I said as I waved my staff we arrived back on Beerus's planet, i then entered Goku's mind to attempt locking his Saiyan memory away and suppress his Saiyan instincts, five minutes later I had successfully locked away his Saiyan memory but I was unable to suppress his Saiyan instincts, I exited Goku's mind "this could be a problem" I mumbled "what do you mean Whis"? Beerus asked "I was able to successfully lock away Goku's Saiyan memories but I was unable to suppress his Saiyan instincts, this could prove problematic as he may eventually not be able to control them as they get stronger, I'm not sure what to do" I said groaning in defeat "hmm best you and Vegeta have a chat I'll keep Goku company" Beerus said "ok, Vegeta I must speak with you" I said gaining Vegeta's attention he then nodded and looked at Goku "Kaka I'll be back, I just have to talk with Whis ok" he said softly, Goku didn't say anything he just nodded and let go of Vegeta then went and sat with Beerus "Vegeta follow me please" I said he nodded then followed "what's wrong"? Vegeta asked as soon as we where out of earshot "I wasn't able to suppress Goku's Saiyan instincts, this could be very problematic if he looses control" I said Vegeta looked shocked "any idea on how to help him to suppress his instincts"? Vegeta questioned "unfortunately I have no clue what to do" I said "maybe King Kai will know something" Vegeta said "it's worth a shot" I said "place your hand on my back" I said, Vegeta obliged instantly, five minutes later we arrived at King Kai's planet.


We arrived at King Kai's planet a few minutes later he greeted us "hello there, now what's going on with Goku ?, he is all over the place and I can't contact him" King Kai said "Kakarot's Saiyan memories where starting to return and his instincts are getting stronger, Whis was able to lock away his Saiyan memory but couldn't suppress his instincts, King Kai tell me you know what to do please" I said begging for any scraps of information that could help "hmm I'm not really sure but there is one way, it's dangerous way to suppress his instincts  but it might just work" King Kai said "what is it"? Whis asked "gather the super dragon balls, Super Shenron will be able to do it but Goku won't remember anything after the wish has been made" I said gravely "it's worth a shot to protect Kakarot and everything he loves" I said "yes it will work, also I should be able to unlock Goku's memories after the wish is made, I will have to do it in stages to prevent causing damage" Whis said cupping his chin "right, let's get going then, thank you King Kai" I said gratefully then placed my hand on Whis's back "bye bye now King Kai" Whis said just before we left, when we arrived back to Beerus's planet Kakarot was sound alseep cuddled up to Beerus "oh how adorable" Whis gushed "get to the point" I said gruffly walking over to Kakarot and switching places with Beerus so he and Whis could talk.


After I switched places with Vegeta I walked over to Whis "so do we have a solution"? I asked "indeed we do but it's abit complicated" he answered "complicated how"? I asked "well we need to gather the super dragon balls and summon Super Shenron to wish for Goku's instincts to be suppressed but the complicated thing is that he will loose all of his memories, I will be able to restore them but it will take time" he said sadly "how much time"? I asked "a year" I simply stated "WHAT" I said my eyes bulging "indeed it will, I must go and explain this all to Bulma and borrow her super Dragon ball radar" he said then left "poor Goku he has already been through so much pain and suffered to much this is the last thing he needs right now, it must be done to end the suffering" I said out loud to myself, I walked back over to Vegeta and a now wide awake Goku "Whis is informing Bulma on the situation as we speak, Goku don't worry we will fix this" I said Goku nodded then snuggled back up to Vegeta.


I snuggled back up with Vegeta "I won't leave your side during all of this Kaka, anything you kneed i will get it" Vegeta said in a soft tone "thank you Geta, I love you" I said "I love you too Kaka" he said then he kissed me ever so gently, we snuggled for the remainder of the day waiting for Whis to come back, when Whis eventually got back he had Bulma's super dragon radar "when are you leaving to search for them" I asked "Beerus and I are leaving now, we will gather them as promptly as possible" Whis said as Beerus walked over to him "both of you just rest here" Beerus spoke sternly "ok" Vegeta said "you got it" I answered they left a few seconds after, Vegeta was true to his word about staying by my side he followed me everywhere and did as much for me as he could he even stood outside the bathroom door when I was using the bathroom, I didn't mind at all as I didn't want to be without him at all, it was bed time so went to our old room we used to stay in when Whis was training us "Vegeta sleep with me please" I said putting on the puppy dog eyes "of course Kaka I made a promise after all I intend to keep it" he said happily, we got into bed and cuddled close, it took a while to fall asleep Vegeta began running his finger through my hair lightly scratching my scalp making me relax almost instantly I was asleep in a matter of seconds snuggled close to Vegeta.

Apologies again for the hiatus,
I hope you enjoyed this chapter,

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