Turles Decision

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Authors Note
Hello readers I apologise for the long wait for this chapter.
Ok so let's jump into the action ok.


We had finally arrived on earth and I couldn't wait to stretch my legs and get some fresh air so that I could make up my mind on what to do
"Omg yes we are here" Tarble was bouncing around like a bunny on caffeine and I giggled at him " Tarble Hun slow down your gonna bump into something" I said as I walked outside following Tarble "ah planet earth I see it has recovered after the tree of might was destroyed" I said to Tarble "yes indeed it has" he answered I turned to Tarble and softly I said "catch me if you can" and with that I turned and ran I heard Tarble giggle and chase me. It was a good twenty minutes before Tarble got me and he snuggled into my chest and said softly "I love you Turles" my heart melted as I relaxed into Tarble's embrace and laced my our fingers together and said "I love you to Tarble"
I had made my decision Tarble and I would stay here on earth and I'm giving up being a space pirate " wait here Tarble I have to inform the crew that we are staying here and that they can go ok hun" I said "ok babe I will wait right here" he answered and I smiled and walked back into the ship and called the crew in for a meeting "guys get your asses to the cock pit I have an important announcement" the crew filed in and I said "Amond your the captain now take care of the ship, I'm staying on earth with Tarble" I said "yes sir I understand" Amond answered "so this is goodbye Turles" Cacao said with slight sadness in his voice "yes I'm sorry but I have made the decision and I'm not changing my mind so goodbye crew" I said and walked out.


I awoke to find that Kaka and I were still in the bush we hid in and were tangled together "Kaka wake up" I said as I shook his shoulder he groaned "uh were still in the bush" he said
"I know Kaka but we gotta wash off and get dressed quickly Turles is on the planet" I said and Kaka was up in the blink of an eye "shit shit shit" he cursed and I giggled "come on koi theres a river not to far that we can wash in".
After we washed and dressed Kaka was sensing for Turles energy and had found it in a few minutes and he said "come on Geta this way" he said as he took off and I followed.


Turles was walking out of the ship now with our things and he had a smile on his face "what are you so happy about"? I asked "I'm happy because I get to be with you darlin" he said
"Your so sweet Turles" "only to you my love".
He walked up to me and wrapped his arms around me and gently pressed his lips to mine and we kissed like that for ten minutes before I heard Vegeta's gruff voice and I turned to see him standing there with Kakarot "so we meet again Turles and this time I hope it's on good terms" Kakarot spoke "yes indeed Kakarot it really has been to long since we last saw each other" Turles said as he walked towards Kakarot and Vegeta stepped in front of Kakarot smelling Turles lust for Kakarot "you will not be touching my mate Turles I know what your up to" Vegeta growled "oh please dear prince I may be somewhat attracted to Kakarot but I'm not gonna Do anything to him" Turles said and he turned and walked back over to me and he picked me up bridal style and said "Tarble is my mate and as such is the only saiyan that I'm sexually interested in" I blushed a deep red and Turles said "oh I'm sorry Tarble sweetheart I didn't mean to embarrass you" my cheeks flushed even darker I cleared my throat and said sternly "you can put me down now" "oh yes of course sorry darlin".


I was watching Tarble and Turles intently as I thought that they made an adorable couple and I looked at Vegeta and noticed that he was fuming "woah hey now Vegeta calm down Tarble is happy so you should be happy" I said "I am happy for Tarble it's just the fact that he had the pick Turles that pisses me off" Vegeta growled "gosh calm down Geta your growling" I said "yes I know I'm just saiyan that it pisses me off" he answered.


I couldn't help myself from giggling at how pissed off the prince was "WHAT THE HELL IS SO DAMN FUNNY"? Vegeta roared and I just burst out laughing "I'LL KILL HIM" Vegeta roared and Goku grabbed Vegeta before he could launch his attack at me "wow I knew you had a temper Prince but I didn't think you were so hot headed" I said "Turles be nice please" Tarble spoke calmly "fine whatever" I said and with that I tackled Tarble and kissed him deeply he kissed back for a minute then gently pushed me off him and said "Turles not now Vegeta and Kakarot are right there" "I don't care I want you here and now" I said and Tarble flushed a deep crimson red "ah your so beautiful when you blush" I said as I ground my erection against his and started to kiss his neck and jaw line "mmmnh Turles don't stop" Tarble moaned and I began to grind against him harder as I took his and mine shirts off I look over my shoulder to see Kakarot and Vegeta both red faced and with raging hard ons I chuckled and went back to kissing Tarble all over and every so slowly began to pull Tarble's pants down all the while looking at Vegeta and Kakarot's reactions I could tell the were uncomfortable but to stunned to move or look away I smirked and said cockily "hey you too come and join us" Kakarot and Vegeta were floored at that sentence and I chuckled while Tarble palmed my erection through my boxers.


"Hey you too come and join us" Turles said cockily and Vegeta and I were floored in shock we sat up and look at each other Vegeta raised an eyebrow at me "oh don't look at me like that Geta come on let's have a little fun" I said as I tackled him and ground my hips into his "hah uhh Kaka" he moaned grinding his hips with mine. Turles looked up and chuckled "looks like you too couldn't take it anymore" "fu-fuck you Tu-rles" Vegeta hissed as he took my shirt off and pulled his own off we kicked our boots off and at this point Turles and Tarble were completely naked and going at it like bunnies in heat. Before I knew it Vegeta and myself were also completely naked and Vegeta growled as he positioned his cock at my entrance and thrust in with one quick motion and began to pound into me mercilessly and I was a moaning mess in a matter of minutes then Vegeta's scent hit me and I realised that we were all in heat fuck my ass is going to be sore tomorrow I thought to myself "AH FUCK YES THERE VEGETA DON'T STOP HAH AH AH UHH" I moaned out loud as Vegeta hit my prostate.

Authors Note
Wow a steamy ending ;) I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter I certainly had fun writing it *giggles like a maniac*
Love you guys.
Keep reading.
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