Heat and Cubs

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Authors Note
Ok so the title for this chap sucks i know but it won't stop me from writing another chapter so how are you liking the story so far please don't forget to let me know in the comments section and leave a vote if you like this chapter I'm also open to and suggestions,
If you have any ideas please inbox me and I will make sure to give you a mention in the next chapter,
Ok so without further ado here we go.



I woke up snuggled up into Kakarot, I looked around and realised that we were still in the forest, "shit" I mumbled to myself as I began to yawn and stretch, I felt an arm snake around my waist, "Mnh Vegeta morning" said an adorable still half asleep Kakarot, I smile at him "morning Kaka, how was your sleep"? I asked "it was great, how was yours"? He responded "yes it was ok" I said then all of a sudden a sweet smell hit my nostrils, I sniffed the air to get more of the delicious scent of warm strawberry cake and chocolate ice cream, I sniffed again the smell was coming from Kakarot, he is in heat, I look down and realise he has a half hard on, I look back up at his face and he is practically drooling with a lustfull look in his eyes as he crawls over to me and pushes me into the soft grass, he begins to kiss me ferociously his right hand trailing down to my now rock hard cock, he takes hold of my cock and I let out a loud moan as he lines my cock up with his entrance and lowers himself onto my cock, he begins to bounce up and down moaning loudly as he goes harder and faster "ah Kak-Kaka" I moan as I grab his hips and flip us over so I'm on top, I begin ramming into him as hard and as fast as I can "ahh Vegeta g-go super Saiyan ahhh" he moaned loudly, I went super Saiyan and he screamed in pleasure "AGHHGG FASTER PLEASE" he moaned "ah ah" I moaned as I began to pound faster and harder "AHHHH" he moaned "keep going don't stop" he moaned and with that I went super Saiyan two " AHHHHHH MNHHHHH HARDER F-FASTER" he screamed I went harder and faster, this went on for the rest of the day.


the pleasure felt so good I don't want it to end, I've already cum nine times and I'm nearing ten, come on Goku go for ten, I cummed again and still it wasn't enough Vegeta went super Saiyan three and I cummed for the eleventh time, four thrusts later I cummed again and Vegeta cummed again for the tenth time I could feel it on my legs and thought damn I must look a mess, I flopped down onto the grass panting as Vegeta pulled out plopping down next to me panting "damn that was amazing" I said "sure was" he said.


Piccolo and I were training nearby where my dad and Vegeta were, we heard everything and I was as pale as a ghost, I looked at Piccolo he didn't looked to shocked "looks like Goku's in heat" said Piccolo "that means that you'll go into heat shortly Gohan" said Piccolo as he floated over towards me "yeah" I said nervously with my hand behind my head just the way dad does
"Looks like you could use some attention down there hey Gohan" Piccolo smirked as he was staring at my crotch and licking his lips seductively "damnit Piccolo not here let's go back to that cave you showed me a few days ago" I said flying in the direction of the cave.

3 weeks later


it's been three weeks since Kakarot's heat and judging by the amount of times I cummed he is definitely carrying a cub, he has been having mood swings a lot lately, it's normal for a pregnant Saiyan to be moody and sometimes violent, Kakarot was sitting in the loungeroom reading a magazine I walked over and sat down next to him "Kaka we kneed to talk" I said, he immediately put his book down and his full attention was on me "look I know your hiding something from me Kaka" I said "I'm not hiding anything" he said scratching the back off his head nervously "tell me the truth Kaka" I said sternly, his hands flew up in front of his face "ok ok I will tell you" he said "Vegeta i-im p-pregnant" he said "I knew it, you've been acting strange for two weeks now" I said.


HOW THE HELL DID HE FIGURE IT OUT?, I screamed in my head "what do you mean by acting strange"? I asked him "well one you have been eating more than usual, two you have been turning down any kind of training, three your mood swings" he answered "oh I get it now" I said "look Kaka don't be afraid to tell me things like this ok" I said with a smile "I'm very happy to know that where having a cub" he said "hehehe well um" I said "well what"? Vegeta said sounding worried "well you see there's two cubs in there I can feel there ki signatures" I said.

Authors Note
So how was it?
Let me know in the comments below,
Ok I'm outta here,
Love you guys

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