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                            Authors note
From the beginning this fanfic strayed away from the original story.
This next chapter is actually the beginning of the original story but it just fits so well as the third chapter. I hope you guys like it.

                              Chapter three
Here we go


I was in the gravity room doing my daily training when Kakarot I,T'ed into the gravity room "KAKAROT" I said surprised mentally slapping myself, that I forgot he could do that.
It's not the first time "Oh hey Vegeta, how's the training going"? Kakarot asked cheerily with a smile on his face "join me Kakarot and you'll find out" I winked at him. He chuckled and walked towards me stopping about a meter away from me and crouched into a fighting stance.


I dropped into a fighting stance and Vegeta also dropped into his fighting stance. A few seconds passed and Vegeta lunged at me at full speed, I easily avoided his attack and slammed my elbow down on his back, Vegeta quickly turned around and sent a punch towards my left cheek but I dodged it by moving my head to the right, Vegeta swung his right foot for my legs I jumped up just in time to avoid his attack. Our spar went on for hours until we were to tired to continue we showered and then sat on the floor of the gravity room Vegeta pulled me into a hug and nuzzled into my chest and whispered something that I could hardly hear my face flushed red when he looked up at me and said it again a little louder.


"I love you Baka" I whispered softly as I nuzzled into his chest I felt him tense up. I looked up at him to see his face coloured a beautiful shade of red I smiled and spoke again a little louder this time "I love you Baka" he heard me for sure this time because he flushed a darker shade of red and mumbled "I love you to my prince" hearing those words come from Kakarot's mouth made me feel whole and complete and I never wanted it to end. I stared into his eyes and moved closer to him, he noticed this and he leaned down and met me half way and our lips connected again and my head began to swim I felt fireworks and sparks going off in my body. We kissed for what felt like hours but was only a few minutes when we separated for air a string of saliva still connecting our mouths.


"Gosh Bulma I don't know if I can get that kind of paperwork, but I can try" Krillin said cowering when Bluma slammed her fists on the table and began screaming "IF YOU CANT GET THE PAPERWORK THEN THERE WILL BE NO JUSTICE SERVED, CHICHI KNEEDS TO PAY FOR WHAT SHE HAS DONE TO GOKU" Bulma finished her rant and I spoke up again " I have the evidence and Gohan and Goten were both there when it happened" "THEN I'LL CALL THEM AND GET THEM TO COME HERE AND MAKE A STATEMENT"
Bulma screamed as she walked to the phone and rang Gohan's cell.


I was still really angry at Mom for hurting dad like that so I took Goten to my house and had him stay there and I was just about to leave for capsule corp to see dad when my phone began
Ringing. "Hello Son Gohan speaking" I answered "Hey Gohan" "oh hey Bulma, what's up"? "Get Goten and come over now please Gohan" "ok sure Bulma see you soon" "bye" Bulma hung up and I raced back inside to see Goten in tears "Go...Gohan gonna ok"? He asked sobbing "yeah Goten he is just fine and he is all better now and we can go see him at Bulma's right now"
I said "YAY!!" He shouted and jumped up then bounced over to me, all of a sudden mum burst in yelling and carrying on about dad being a nut job and began yelling "I WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO LIVE WITH THAT PATHETIC WASTE OF SPACE YOU TWO ARE COMING WITH ME" she screamed I began to power up but in a flash there were Ki restricting nets thrown over Goten and myself I could feel myself becoming weaker and my vision became blurry and I passed out.


I was waiting for Gohan and Goten when I heard a strange groan coming from the gravity room as u walked by the door *hang on that sounded like Goku* my eyes went wide when I hear him moan and say "ah Vegeta harder" my face felt like it was on fire and I ran to the bathroom and splashed my face with cold water. *did I really just hear what I thought I did Goku and Vegeta are having sex in the gravity room* of course Vegeta and I are no longer together and sleep in seperate rooms but wow I didn't know that he had those feelings towards Goku. I walked out of the bathroom and back passed the gravity room door and heard "ah fuck Kakarot your so tight"
I mentally slapped myself and ran down the hall screaming in my head *WHAT THE FUCK*.


"Ah fuck Kakarot your so tight" I moaned as I slammed into him making beautiful moans come out of his mouth "Ah Vegeta I'm cuming"
He moaned my name and his seed shot all over our stomachs and I climaxed inside him, Kakarot spasmed as he rode out his climax and shuddered when I gently pulled out of him, I pulled him into a hug and said "I love you Kakarot and I'm never going to let you go"
"I love you to Vegeta.

End chapter three
So did you guys like this chapter ?
Let me know what you think and if I should continue.
Also sorry for slightly short chapter I kept getting interrupted while I was writing this chapter.

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